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  • Synchronized Dimension Strings: Playing by individual players in one instance of SyPlayer


    If I want to have a separate track in a sequencer for each player (1st violin 1 player, 1st violin 2 player, etc.)  - need I have a separate instance of Synchron Player for each? (8 instances for 1st violins etc), or it is possible to use one instance for 1st violins and independently play by all players at once?

    also question - is autodivisi realized in Sy-version of Dimension strings?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Vadim, 

    Yes, you need separate instances of Synchron Player to accesss each individual player simultaneously. 

    No auto-divisi in Synchron Player, sorry to say. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • If you're in Logic, try using track stacks to manage divisi writing. I find it very convenient!