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    @musicman691 said:

    Okay - we all know that VEPro 6 and 7 can't communicate with each other - that much has been mentioned by Paul. But what about templates constructed in VEPro 6 - can those same templates be used in VEPro 7? I imagine they'd have to be copied over to another folder.

    I imagine so, but once you go forward with a template, you cant go back. IE. loading a version 6 template in version 7 will automagically convert it to version 7 and the act of saving the project will make it no longer compatible with 6. Thats how most of this stuff works.

    By the way, as a side note, its interesting how the tone has completely changed... As I said, wait and see if Vienna delivers. It sounds like they did from what I am hearing. For me, contrary to the opnions of everyone else here, I like the idea of Vienna Suite being integrated into Ensemble. The rest of the feature set is meh for me.

    For your first statement that's a heck of an assertion because you're assuming VEPro 7 will open stuff done in VEPro 6. Just because others/w has done that in the past it may not happen here. Would be great if it does.

    As to your seond statement Vienna hasn't delivered anything except for a few more specifices of what's in the new version. I'll consider that they've delivered something when I actually have the new version on my computer and working.

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    @musicman691 said:

    Okay - we all know that VEPro 6 and 7 can't communicate with each other - that much has been mentioned by Paul. But what about templates constructed in VEPro 6 - can those same templates be used in VEPro 7? I imagine they'd have to be copied over to another folder.

    I imagine so, but once you go forward with a template, you cant go back. IE. loading a version 6 template in version 7 will automagically convert it to version 7 and the act of saving the project will make it no longer compatible with 6. Thats how most of this stuff works.

    By the way, as a side note, its interesting how the tone has completely changed... As I said, wait and see if Vienna delivers. It sounds like they did from what I am hearing. For me, contrary to the opnions of everyone else here, I like the idea of Vienna Suite being integrated into Ensemble. The rest of the feature set is meh for me.

    For your first statement that's a heck of an assertion because you're assuming VEPro 7 will open stuff done in VEPro 6. Just because others/w has done that in the past it may not happen here. Would be great if it does.

    As to your seond statement Vienna hasn't delivered anything except for a few more specifices of what's in the new version. I'll consider that they've delivered something when I actually have the new version on my computer and working.

    Umm, ok. The track record for most companies releasing a new software version of a product designed for creating something is on my side here. Rendering all previous work unable to be opened in the new version would be virtually unprecedented. Point me to a software product that has made all projects previously created in it unable to be opened in new versions without some ability to convert or upgrade the project. You might find one or two, but not much more than that.

    As to your second comment, and I quote, "I did the pre-order thing and am downloading the Synchron library now...Paid through Paypal if that makes any difference." Apparently, they already sold you on it, as evidenced by this, "Let me be the first to say a big THANK YOU for this announcement. It's what a lot of us have been looking and asking for. And it's what's making me pull the trigger on getting the upgrade - especially the compatibility with OSX 10.10! While my major work is done in OSX 10.12.6 I still keep a boot partition with OSX 10.10.5 because I have some 32 bit plugins that for whatever reason don't play well in a 32 bit server running in OSX 10.12.6. It's not a big enough issue to raise a support ticket with (FYI the major one is NI's B4II Hammond organ vi). You have made me a very happy person this dreary day here." That is a much different tone than you and others had before, enough for you to purchase the pre-order.

    Now Im off to work on designing a prototype mechanical lizard.

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    @musicman691 said:

    For your first statement that's a heck of an assertion because you're assuming VEPro 7 will open stuff done in VEPro 6. Just because others/w has done that in the past it may not happen here. Would be great if it does.

    I would be staggered if it couldn't open VE Pro 6 projects.  I'd put the chances of that at somewhere around 0.1%.

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    @musicman691 said:

    You say your loading time for that template is 35 to 40 minutes - please tell us you're not loading from a spinner drive but an ssd. Or multiple ssd's. If you're on a Mac Pro cheesegrater putting those ssd's in a pcie card adapter will double the loading speed from if they're in the drive bays.

    Oh yes multiple ssds of course, and on a PC with double xeon.... Just lots of instruments i guess, and it loads up into about 240gb of ram . I know a couple of fellow composers who have the same "problem", so its normal for a template that size


    Huge template then.  How many instruments?  If you have thousands, then it is what it is.  This is another area where if VEP update made a substantial improvement for project load times, through parallelism or would be instant buy for me. 


    I have about 1750 instruments/articulations loaded in that template, and yes the ssds are all inside my server pc, I have the kontakt instrument preload buffer size set up to 60 kb. If I go lower than that my cpu starts overloading and i get voice dropouts... adn plus i got 256gb of ram on my server so might as well use it all 😊


    Also thanks for the update on features. I am excited to see the load times are getting improved. 

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    @TimBlast said:

    I have about 1750 instruments/articulations loaded in that template, and yes the ssds are all inside my server pc, I have the kontakt instrument preload buffer size set up to 60 kb. If I go lower than that my cpu starts overloading and i get voice dropouts... adn plus i got 256gb of ram on my server so might as well use it all 😊


    Also thanks for the update on features. I am excited to see the load times are getting improved. 

    You will reduce your problems in doing articulation switching

  • Question; Does VSL Pro 7 replace Pro 6 as an update. If not, can we still use Pro 6 and Pro 7 together along with the old Epic Orchestra? If Pro 7 replaces Pro 6, what happens to the other two license I have with Pro 6?

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    Does VSL Pro 7 replace Pro 6 as an update. If not, can we still use Pro 6 and Pro 7 together along with the old Epic Orchestra?
    If Pro 7 replaces Pro 6, what happens to the other two license I have with Pro 6?
    You mean VEPro right? There is no such product as VSL Pro. But anyways from something I read on this forum in another thread VEPro 6 overwrote VEPro 5 IIRC and if history holds and that bit is true VEPro 7 will overwrite VEPro 6. There may be a way around that at least in OSX if you rename the program to something other than what's installed. That's something that those of us do with Digital Performer if we want to have multiple versions on the same computer at the same time. For instance I have three different versions of DP - 9.02, 9.51 and 9.52

    If you've been paying attention to this thread at all or the product page you only get one license with a base purchase of the VEPro 7 upgrade. Doesn't matter how many licenses you have with VEPro 6 or earlier versions. You have to pay extra to get the other two licenses to get to the three you had before.

    The new Epic Orchestra does not replace the old one - it's an all new download.

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    Does VSL Pro 7 replace Pro 6 as an update. If not, can we still use Pro 6 and Pro 7 together along with the old Epic Orchestra?
    If Pro 7 replaces Pro 6, what happens to the other two license I have with Pro 6?

    1. The easiest one to answer, epic orchestra 2 is a completely seperate download that works in Vienna's Synchron player. If can be used side by side with Epic Orchestra 1, although, why youd want or need to do that is beyond me since epic orchestra 2 contains all the patches that 1 has and a hefty amount of additional content. True that the sound design will be different (ie. the coronet in the Epic Orchestra 2 will sound different than the one provided in Epic Orchestra 1), but once mixed, I dont think the difference is all that significant. I guess one thing this gives the ability to do is use EO1 vs EO2 on completely different machines (this is confirmed).

    2. VEP7 software wise replaces the install of VEP6, that is, when installing VEP7, it will overwirte your install of VEP6, provided it works the same way the upgrade from VEP5 to VEP6 worked. It isnt a good idea to install VEP7 until you have all the VEP7 licenses you need (this is unconfirmed, but I think highly likely how this will work).

    3. VEP6 will NOT communicate with VEP7. If you have VEP6 on one machine and upgrade another machine to VEP7, they will not communicate with each other (this has been confirmed).

    4. Upgrade licenses do NOT replace your current licenses. Purchasing a VEP7 upgrade license will merely add a VEP7 license to your key fob, and you will keep your 3 VEP6 licenses (this is confirmed)

    Basically, buy all the VEP7 upgrades you need first before you upgrade your physical installs of VEP7. As for Epic Orchestra 2, you can download and install that now and it will have no bearing on Epic Orchestra 1, so you can use that now or whenever you are ready to download and install it.

  • Has anybodey tried to use IAC with VEP6 on one computer and VEP7 on another ?

  • My understanding is that VEP server requires the VEP plugin to communicate with it, it does have direct access the midi ports on the machine where its running.

    The non-server standalone version of VEP can listen to midi ports, but also does not communicate with your DAW via the VEP plugin.

    If you want to figure out another way to get the audio from VEP back to your DAW instead of using the VEP plugin, then you could theoretically run the non-server verison of both VEP6 and VEP7 on two different machines, but that is missing a lot of the VEP-advantage IMHO.

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    @Cyril Blanc said:

    Has anybodey tried to use IAC with VEP6 on one computer and VEP7 on another ?

    Offhand I'd say no one consdering VEPro 7 hasn't been released yet (it's not in my account yet for d/l).

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    @Cyril Blanc said:

    Has anybodey tried to use IAC with VEP6 on one computer and VEP7 on another ?

    Offhand I'd say no one consdering VEPro 7 hasn't been released yet (it's not in my account yet for d/l).

    May the Beta tester have test it ðŸ˜Š

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    @Cyril Blanc said:

    Has anybodey tried to use IAC with VEP6 on one computer and VEP7 on another ?

    Offhand I'd say no one consdering VEPro 7 hasn't been released yet (it's not in my account yet for d/l).

    May the Beta tester have test it ðŸ˜Š

    If they did they won't tell us - that comes with the territory of being a beta tester - it's called an NDA.

    Keep in mind the old saw: those that know won't talk and those that talk don't know.

    If I had to speculate I'd say it wouldn't work as that would circumvent the licensing we're getting in VEPro 7 and Vienna would never allow that. Better to just pony up the extra license fee which I know sucks but that's the only legitimate alternative and stay inside the VEPro ecosystem.

  • The big attraction for me with VS Pro is the Imager. But with the the other parts kinda sorta part of VEP 7, I'm even less likely to fork out 400 bucks for it.

  • I just upgraded with the assumption that licensing was similar to 6 - that is one set of three licenses....incorrect.  Mea Culpa, but I have 3 (x3) VEP6 licenses and its spread out among 7 or 8 machines...that would make a full upgrade really expensive.  

    Seeing as how I won't be purchasing 6 or 7 more licenses for my remote machines, I'd like to know whether or not VEP7 will work with VEP6.  That way I can put 7 on my main processing machine and use 6 in the remote machines for simpler tasks.


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    @feeserface said:

    I just upgraded with the assumption that licensing was similar to 6 - that is one set of three licenses....incorrect.  Mea Culpa, but I have 3 (x3) VEP6 licenses and its spread out among 7 or 8 machines...that would make a full upgrade really expensive.  

    Seeing as how I won't be purchasing 6 or 7 more licenses for my remote machines, I'd like to know whether or not VEP7 will work with VEP6.  That way I can put 7 on my main processing machine and use 6 in the remote machines for simpler tasks.


    You should have paid closer attention to the product page. If you only had 3 licenses with your VEPro 6 setup you only need to buy 2 more licenses for VEPro 7 to get you where you were with VEPro 6.

    It's been mentioned multiple times in this thread that VEPro 6 and 7 cannot communicate with each other.

  • That's fair, I SHOULD have.  I admitted as much. I'm just trying to figure out how to use the new software without having to pay an arm and a leg more.

    So, moving on.

    If the two can't communicate, that would still work if I could run both 6 and 7 as plugins inside Cubase.  I can have a 7 server on my local computer and have the other servers on remote boxes be 6.  As long as I can run both 6 and 7 as plugins within cubase (or any other daw for that matter) simultaneously, I should be ok, otherwise, I'm out 90bucks for something that I can't use without spending a boat load more.

    So I guess the next question would be whether I can run two instances of the VEP vsti plug in with two different versions from within the same DAW - I'd imagine as long as the Daw sees them as two distinct VSTi it shouldn't be a problem.  That's how I can run Kontakt 5 and 6 simultaneously.  

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    @feeserface said:

    That's fair, I SHOULD have.  I admitted as much. I'm just trying to figure out how to use the new software without having to pay an arm and a leg more.

    So, moving on.

    If the two can't communicate, that would still work if I could run both 6 and 7 as plugins inside Cubase.  I can have a 7 server on my local computer and have the other servers on remote boxes be 6.  As long as I can run both 6 and 7 as plugins within cubase (or any other daw for that matter) simultaneously, I should be ok, otherwise, I'm out 90bucks for something that I can't use without spending a boat load more.

    So I guess the next question would be whether I can run two instances of the VEP vsti plug in with two different versions from within the same DAW - I'd imagine as long as the Daw sees them as two distinct VSTi it shouldn't be a problem.  That's how I can run Kontakt 5 and 6 simultaneously.  

    Can't be done. Period. Besides installing VEPro 7, if history holds, overwrites any existing installation of VEPro. So you'll only have VEPro 7.

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    @feeserface said:

    That's fair, I SHOULD have.  I admitted as much. I'm just trying to figure out how to use the new software without having to pay an arm and a leg more.

    So, moving on.

    If the two can't communicate, that would still work if I could run both 6 and 7 as plugins inside Cubase.  I can have a 7 server on my local computer and have the other servers on remote boxes be 6.  As long as I can run both 6 and 7 as plugins within cubase (or any other daw for that matter) simultaneously, I should be ok, otherwise, I'm out 90bucks for something that I can't use without spending a boat load more.

    So I guess the next question would be whether I can run two instances of the VEP vsti plug in with two different versions from within the same DAW - I'd imagine as long as the Daw sees them as two distinct VSTi it shouldn't be a problem.  That's how I can run Kontakt 5 and 6 simultaneously.  

    6 & 7 cannot be installed together on the same machine easily. There might be a clever workaround, but the install overwites any previous installations, provided it works the same way it has in the past.

    My suggestion is to wait until you have upgraded all your licenses before installing 7, at least the future licenses are signifcantly less expensive than the first, so a little at a time. I agree, for the people running more than 3 licenses, this is not ideal, but I suspect that very few people are running more than 3 licenses.

  • It MIGHT be possible to run VEP inside a subhosting plugin like PlogueBidule where you can specify an alternative VST path or manually load a VST plugin that is not in the normal VST path.  Then VEP7 plugin normally in the DAW, all on machine A.  VEP6  server on machine B, VEP 7 server on machine C.  But that is probably not the whole story, depends on what kind of internal interapplication and network communications and systems that VEP uses whether a VEP plugin isolated inside PlogueBidule would be completely seperated from a VEP plugin out in the DAW.  Its worth a try, but I would not count on it until someone actually tries it.

    Its definitely possible to run VEP Inside PlogueBidule, but what I'm not sure about is whether that one would be totally and completely isolated from VEP7plugin outside PlogueBidule.