On dp you should be using the mas version of the vep plugin which provides true multuport.I know about using the MAS version of VEPro in DP. It's just that my reference for au format plugin use was/is DP. Main daw is PT and of course that uses AAX format.
Au3 is mainly relevant for logic users. In a few weeks we should know what vep7 is. Personally I doubt they could deliver multi port on Logic Pro, regardless of whether they build the plugin as AU3, due to limitations in Logic Pro. It it sounds like we shall find out soon enough.
Myself I am not the least bit concerned about waiting to find out what’s going to be in it. I would never pay for it until then and aside from missing the taikos, I don’t really see any problem related to that. Vsl should take their time to get it right and announce factual information about features. I have no problem with any of that. The licensing changes, however, have me very very disappointed in vsl as a company and unlikely to upgrade unless vep7 turns out to be a literal masterpiece. So, we shall see in a few weeks.
The license changes are my major heartburn with VEPro 7 and like you VEPro 7 will have to be outstanding for me to make the jump. Why pay money to go backwards?