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  • @Remoteguy I hate to repeat myself. But above I already wrote ... With the last Upgrade I paid only 61,00 € for 3 Licenses and now I pay 75 € for one ... Do I miss something?

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    @LAJ said:

    @Remoteguy I hate to repeat myself. But above I already wrote ... With the last Upgrade I paid only 61,00 € for 3 Licenses and now I pay 75 € for one ... Do I miss something?


    61 Euros? Wow you must have had some kind of magic price because the introductory upgrade price for VEPro 6 was €85 and after the introductory price  it went up to €105. The list price for VEpro 6 was €285.... Maybe you are referring to VEpro version 4 from 2007????? Again I love all this misinformation. The price has actually gone down. And I am willing to bet that only about %35 of you use more than one license. Please stop the crying. Buy it or don't. If you are power users that have multiple machines linked then I hardly think you would be making so much trouble over the upgrade price. So yes people the actual price of upgrading has gone down, although it is with less licenses. Please stick to facts. 

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    @Remoteguy said:

    Buy it or don't.

    Yep, I didn't. I don't buy into uncertainty. It was a great entry offer for people not having Vienna Ensemble at all, though.

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    @Remoteguy said:

    Buy it or don't.

    Yep, I didn't. I don't buy into uncertainty. It was a great entry offer for people not having Vienna Ensemble at all, though.


    If you don't buy into uncertainty then wait until the details are announced. I believe Paul said the introductory price will stay after the features are announced. Not sure what the problem is....


    @Remoteguy ...

    You GiantWierdo have to learn how to push the right button, I guess ...


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    @LAJ said:


    @Remoteguy ...

    You GiantWierdo have to learn how to push the right button, I guess ...


    Oh great. Lets all wait until there is a sale on VEP 7 then talk about it years later.... As I said the normal upgrade price was 105 you aren't saying how you got it for that price.... 

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    @EgM said:

    What some of you fail to understand is that the new upgrade price (Main upg + 2 x licenses) is not the core of the issue, it's only one part of the issue.

    The more serious issue is that down the road, we will be forced to upgrade.  That is mostly because of forced yearly MacOS updates by Apple that breaks compatibility, though less of a problem under Windows but no one knows if or when it will happen.

    So the "what's the problem, keep using VEP6" statement is fine, but only *for now*.  There is also the fact that if this pricing scheme remains the same, every version of VEP will cost double to upgrade compared to what we signed up on initially.

    Valid, but isnt this an issue with any software with paid software upgrades?

    No. Have never lost licenses or had to pay extra to keep functional what I already have (aside from a program update). This had better be one hell of an update to warrant the stunt that Vienna is pulling on us. What would it have hurt them to allow those of us with 3 licenses in VEPro 6 to keep that functionality without them charging extra? Versus all the ill will that's going on here.

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    @Remoteguy said:

    Oh great. Lets all wait until there is a sale on VEP 7 then talk about it years later.... As I said the normal upgrade price was 105 you aren't saying how you got it for that price....
    Again ... no big trick. I pushed the right button. That‘s all.

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    @Remoteguy said:

    Oh great. Lets all wait until there is a sale on VEP 7 then talk about it years later.... As I said the normal upgrade price was 105 you aren't saying how you got it for that price....
    Again ... no big trick. I pushed the right button. That‘s all.


    Looks like a great price. You should continue to use it. Doesn't sound like you need to upgrade. 

  • He bought VE Pro 6 with a discount via the software package bundle. I'm an idiot, I forgot to do that with VE Pro 7.

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    @LAJ said:


    @Remoteguy ...

    You GiantWierdo have to learn how to push the right button, I guess ...

    ....I guess you need to look at usernames...

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    @LAJ said:


    @Remoteguy ...

    You GiantWierdo have to learn how to push the right button, I guess ...

    ....I guess you need to look at usernames...

    Nah - he's got you pegged right. You're not a little weird but bigly weird.

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    @EgM said:

    What some of you fail to understand is that the new upgrade price (Main upg + 2 x licenses) is not the core of the issue, it's only one part of the issue.

    The more serious issue is that down the road, we will be forced to upgrade.  That is mostly because of forced yearly MacOS updates by Apple that breaks compatibility, though less of a problem under Windows but no one knows if or when it will happen.

    So the "what's the problem, keep using VEP6" statement is fine, but only *for now*.  There is also the fact that if this pricing scheme remains the same, every version of VEP will cost double to upgrade compared to what we signed up on initially.

    Valid, but isnt this an issue with any software with paid software upgrades?

    I've never had software with multi licenses or activations removed by upgrading to a new version, no.

    1. What licenses are being removed by upgrading to VEP7?

    2. Any software that is no longer supported runs the risk of eventually not working with new versions of an operating system.

    3. I understand there isnt alot of software out there that requires multi-licensing, however, there is some software that does. VEP happens to be one of them. Adobe has a cloud product that requires multi-licensing. You dont have a choice. You pay alot of money for 5 machine licenses, and many people dont need that many licenses. VEP6 came bundled with 3 licenses. Enough people that use it apparently do not need 3 licenses. Thus, it is no longer bundled with 3 licenses and the price reduced to allow users to purchase the number of licenses they need, rather than paying extra for licenses they dont need. I will concede, the price to buy 3 licenses has gone up, however, most software gets more expensive over time. There was a time when you could buy a complete orchestral library from EastWest for $300. Of course, the price is now significantly higher.

    My two issues with this announcement are, where are the details and why is it so expensive? It isnt hugely expensive, but it is a bit more pricey than it should be in my view, especially for more than 2 licenses.

    As for everything else, its coming from people who are ignorant to how software licensing works. In this day and age, you'd think people understood this better than they do, and you'd think people would be willing to consider how this stuff works before spouting off things that are factually inaccurate.

    The hyperbole on both sides has been a little ridiculous, both from Vienna and from the community. VEP7 will be the greatest thing, you're going to love it because... *crickets*

    The community screams, I buy a single license and that means I cant use it on other machines as well, thus its a downgrade. Explanation: You have to buy a license per machine you are going to use it on. That is the way software licensing works. You are still able to use and run VEP6, although notably, you will likely eventually have to upgrade, as is the case with any software, if you want it to continue to function with technology upgrades. You dont lose anything you already have, VEP6 continues to run, and Vienna will continue to support it for several years to make sure it fully functions, Im pretty sure of that.

    Im losing licenses with this because it doesnt come with 3 licenses... Explanation: You buy per license now. I used to have to buy a 3 pack of bottled water, but the company now sells individual bottles of water, allowing me the choice of buying either 1 bottle at a time, or 3 bottles at a time at a slightly cheaper discount.

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    @littlewierdo said:

    The hyperbole on both sides has been a little ridiculous, both from Vienna and from the community.
    Everyone else is ridiculous but not you?

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    @littlewierdo said:

    The hyperbole on both sides has been a little ridiculous, both from Vienna and from the community.
    Everyone else is ridiculous but not you?

    Have I been making a mountain out of a molehill?

    Ive been saying, wait and see since my first post in this thread, which is the level headed approach. Ive been attempting to correct the misleading statements that have been made because some in the community apparently arent thinking clearly enough to think this through.

    I have done my best to keep the personal insults out of this. This upgrade is nothing more than a typical announcement (other than the lack of details) of a slightly overpriced software upgrade, where 3 licenses are no longer bundled together, giving users the choice of purchasing as many licenses as they want. It is nothing more than that. All of the outlandish claims that have been made by both sides is, nothing more than hyperbole.

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    @daviddln said:

    He bought VE Pro 6 with a discount via the software package bundle. I'm an idiot, I forgot to do that with VE Pro 7.

    Hello David,

    BING! That's right.

    I combined the Entry-Discount with the Package Discount. And no you are no idiot, because this is no more possible now. Another disadvantage for us Package-candidates.

    I bought Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 with a Bestservice Discount for 71,00 €. But this is because I am a pretty good Softube-customer and bought a lot of effects & modular-modules (Clouds, Braids, Rings etc.) in 2018 and 2019.


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    @daviddln said:

    He bought VE Pro 6 with a discount via the software package bundle. I'm an idiot, I forgot to do that with VE Pro 7.

    Hello David,

    BING! That's right.

    I combined the Entry-Discount with the Package Discount. And no you are no idiot, because this is no more possible now. Another disadvantage for us Package-candidates.

    I bought Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 with a Bestservice Discount for 71,00 €. But this is because I am a pretty good Softube-customer and bought a lot of effects & modular-modules (Clouds, Braids, Rings etc.) in 2018 and 2019.




    Ahhhh. No big trick, you just pressed the right button..... So you got a special deal and are complaining because that same deal isn't being offered with this version. Ridiculous. 

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    @daviddln said:

    He bought VE Pro 6 with a discount via the software package bundle. I'm an idiot, I forgot to do that with VE Pro 7.

    Hello David,

    BING! That's right.

    I combined the Entry-Discount with the Package Discount. And no you are no idiot, because this is no more possible now. Another disadvantage for us Package-candidates.

    I bought Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 with a Bestservice Discount for 71,00 €. But this is because I am a pretty good Softube-customer and bought a lot of effects & modular-modules (Clouds, Braids, Rings etc.) in 2018 and 2019.




    Ahhhh. No big trick, you just pressed the right button..... So you got a special deal and are complaining because that same deal isn't being offered with this version. Ridiculous. 

    The question is, why is VSL letting this go on for more than a week, and not engage in communication with its customers, while posting in the epic orch 2 videos threads.

    I haven´t read anything from Paul in over a week, and I think it would be useful to have a conversation about their customers concerns.

  • by their silence they have made it clear the upgrade price is going up and that’s that. They know very well that many people will upgrade anyway despite this and they are betting that they will make more money this way, even if some disgruntled users pass on vep7 altogether. Who’s to know how that will go we will never know whether they end up making more money this way or not but for my part they will not get my money unless it turns out to so much better then vep6 that it’s pretty much like a completely new breakthrough product. They have priced me out of it. That’s my bottom line and probably will be for a few other people but I think overall most people will swallow their tears and pay for it, and vsl knows it. There is nothing else for them to say that will improve the situation honestly. This is what they are going to charge. So take it or leave it. I will be leaving it. Maybe vep8 will catch my interest. I do think in a broader sense vsl is harming themselves with these types of policies in the long run. But time will telll.

  • @Remoteguy aka MonsterousWierd[b]issimo[/b] You are sounding somehow frustrated!? I am not complaining. I am someone who acts instead of complaining. That is why I was reacting by pushing the button at Bestservice instead here. And the deal was ok. BTW making good deals is a matter of timing and Charme. Having the right girl sitting at the right place can save you tons of money ;) ... and LAJ has ... ;))