Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Hi, 

    I am waiting for a few questions and will try to answer with generally applicable answers and with what I can tell you right now.

    For very specific requests, please contact us directly:

    The general part: 

    No one forces anyone here, at least from our perspective.  
    We are announcing a new version of Vienna Ensemble Pro and have not even mentioned any specifics yet. 

    VE Pro 6 works very well, and if you like the features of VE Pro 7 (maybe after you have tested it in your environment with a free demo license), you can upgrade with a simple system, with separate licenses. 

    VE Pro 6 will get updates when necessary, but of course our development efforts will go into VE Pro 7. 

    Epic Orchestra is a FREE add-on product/license for all VE Pro 7 users. A great opportunity to REALLY work with our samples and check out our new Synchron Player and see if it fits in your existing template/taste/style. It's free. 

    @afterlight: Isn't it cool that you can use 9 computers the way you do now? We are only trying to make this even better. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:


    I am waiting for a few questions and will try to answer with generally applicable answers and with what I can tell you right now.

    For very specific requests, please contact us directly:

    The general part: 

    No one forces anyone here, at least from our perspective.  
    We are announcing a new version of Vienna Ensemble Pro and have not even mentioned any specifics yet. 

    VE Pro 6 works very well, and if you like the features of VE Pro 7 (maybe after you have tested it in your environment with a free demo license), you can upgrade with a simple system, with separate licenses. 

    VE Pro 6 will get updates when necessary, but of course our development efforts will go into VE Pro 7. 

    Epic Orchestra is a FREE add-on product/license for all VE Pro 7 users. A great opportunity to REALLY work with our samples and check out our new Synchron Player and see if it fits in your existing template/taste/style. It's free. 

    @afterlight: Isn't it cool that you can use 9 computers the way you do now? We are only trying to make this even better. 


    I think what wrankles more than a few people is no mention of what the new features are other than some nebulous statements. Add to that no mention how long the intro price lasts especially for those of us that already have VEPro 6.

    As far as how long before version 7 drops I don't care as it's better to take the time to get it right. Been a part of developers rushing s/w out the door to meet some target date and said s/w has more bugs than a Warner Brothers cartoon. YOu only need to look at the oissues people are having with Digital Performer 10 to see where I'm coming from.

  • "I think what wrankles more than a few people is no mention of what the new features are other than some nebulous statements."

    Details are coming; gorw up!

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
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    I dont understant why VSL is anouncing VE PRO 7 with no details

    I wont buy with my wide eye shut ðŸ˜®

  • Just thought I'd point out that I paid 85 euros for three licences when I upgraded fro 5 to 6. 75 euros for one licence seems a bit steep...

  • Mohsohshenski - 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer -- and with such clarity!

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    @Bill said:

    "I think what wrankles more than a few people is no mention of what the new features are other than some nebulous statements."

    Details are coming; gorw up!

    You're not my parent so don't tell me what to do. Vienna shouldn't have put this announcement out without at elast some details of what's new.

  • Always excited to hear about a new version of VE pro. I love the software.

    But I am also really surprised about the extra charging for each license. I bought the first VE pro and supported always the software. And it was always a 3 license deal until now. At least for owners of the previous version this pricing structure should be Grandfathered. 

    This comes across as being Corporate-type idealogy - Benefiting new users to attrack more new users, instead of Loyal long-time customers who paid for every updagrade until this point. 

    Curious what the new features will be. 

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    @Paul said:

    @afterlight: Isn't it cool that you can use 9 computers the way you do now? We are only trying to make this even better. 

    It's also cool that I can drive my car....but I did pay for it.

    I think the problem many professional users who have numerous licenses have is simply that the upgrade price of 400+ euros (for me) for a completely unannounced feature set is...silly. Really silly. 

    And I'd take issue with the "works well". It works well sometimes. Other times (like closing sequences) it crashes repeatedly. I've just learned to live with that because I have projects and deadlines. I'd pay 400 euros for it to be stable, frankly.

    I'm not trying to bust your balls, I love the software, I just think you're seeing a lot of negativity here for a really good reason, and some of us like your software and wouldn't even look twice at the samples...a starter orchestra isn't of interest.

    And the few conversations I've had with other composers around LA I've only heard negative reactions. I hope it's worthy of a .0 upgrade and the asking price or I think quite a few people will be quite grumpy. But, look, what do I know, I've only been doing this for two decades and I've been a customer of yours only since...pretty much day one minute one on the Vienna Ensemble side.

  • And I appreciate that you're trying to improve it - we love that! But listen to your community. Lots have seen this announcement and said exactly what I'm saying. We don't know it all, and we don't know what you have planned, but inviting us to part with a solid chunk of cash....for software we won't get for a while and no way to ascertain the value of the upgrade, and changing the pricing structure in a way that benefits new users and frankly, shafts prior users? 

    It's not a good look. I mean, hey, at least grandfathering an option....or a price to upgrade the three-pack so it's a little more commensurate with an upgrade...or telling us why it's worth the amount asked? Wouldn't be a bad idea. 

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    @David Molina said:

    Wow, I would really hate to have you all as customers. They haven't disclosed all the details yet and you guys are already whinning about things you don't know yet. Just be patient and wait for them to reveal all the details. Once they reveal everything and you still don't like it, send them an email. Amazing.



  • Dear Paul,

    I have the utmostrespect for you! I read this forum almost daily and after reading most of the things people have written in the last year (ranting, fighting and trolling), I'm surprised to see you're still moderating and answering these posts; but more importantly you keep answering on serious questions and giving advices how to use them better. I have learned so much by reading this forum (and often decided to buy more of VSL's products ;)

    In short, what I want to say is: Thank you, Paul!
    Please keep up the good work and don't be discouraged by exhausting posts / topics.

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @David Molina said:

    Wow, I would really hate to have you all as customers. Just be patient and wait for them to reveal all the details. Once they reveal everything and you still don't like it, send them an email. Amazing.
    😄 What has been really revealed about SYstrings when preordered it? Nothing else than a short vague demo which didn't show anything plus enthusiastic and eulogistic words. Everyone knows what SYstrings revealed when we got them. Starting from this pathetic episode, we were expecting for more fair and transparent practises then. Let's wait for 'The Magnificent Seven' then, we'll see if it keeps its 'magnificent' promises. Fooled once, shame on you. Fooled twice, shame on me.

  • Edit ... It will be an incredible upgrade ... I heard! (Hopefully I have not been fooled)

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    @afterlight said:

    I think the problem many professional users who have numerous licenses have is simply that the upgrade price of 400+ euros (for me) for a completely unannounced feature set is...silly. Really silly.

    Can someone explain the pricing? In 2016 I paid â‚¬170.00 to upgrade 6 licenses to VE Pro 6. Now, I just purchased the VE Pro 7 upgrade for â‚¬70.00 and I get... 1 license? It's going to be another â‚¬225.00 (45 * 5) to upgrade the remaining 5 licenses. That's â‚¬295.00 total - almost double the last round of upgrade pricing. I wish this was better explained somewhere - it wasn't clear in the email, or the website.

  • Somebody told me, that it is a competitor to Dorico now ... means it contains a Notation Program ... and the multi-channel possibilities have heavily expanded. (That would also explain why the PlugIns are included.) If this is true ... the Price is great!

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    @LAJ said:

    Somebody told me, that it is a competitor to Dorico now ... means it contains a Notation Program ... and the multi-channel possibilities have heavily expanded. (That would also explain why the PlugIns are included.) If this is true ... the Price is great!
    If the multichannel thing includes 7.1 or good Atmos (7.1.2-6) support I’ll be very happy to pay the upgrade price. Just 5.1 some would be obsolete fast. Stability and efficiency is what I’m after. If it’s just cosmetic with some inbuilt plugins, then...a big meh. I hope the score/Dorico thing isn’t true. It took Dan Spreadbury and team years to make a good engraving program and he’s the best at it there is. A mediocre score editor would be a disastrous idea.

  • Had never heard of Dorico until now, just Finale & Sibelius. Looks impressive but I've seen several pieces of s/w that looked impressive until I tried them. Looking at the prices of Dorico I doubt it would be the Professional version but Elements.

    I wonder if the 'included new plugins' are Vienna Suite (regular not Pro version)?

  • For users using multiple licenses, VEP7 has become a very expensive item.
    It's a price that hesitates to update.
    I hope that understanding of pricing is wrong.

  • I must say i am disappointed generally with how unclear whole installation

    parts, processes and instances you have made.

    When i installed Ensemble pro 6, instance in logic which actually activates EP6 is Vienna Ensemble, and 

    Vienna Ensemble pro triggers server options. Why?

    Other thing that is unclear in you manual is how to actually load data into Synchron player.

    Why is there no straightforward  explanation on HOW TO ADD LIBRARIES INTO PLAYER?

    You must understand we (users) are not fanboys of any particular company, but pick from each what we like.

    So therefore i do not plan to spend two hours on trying to  figure out how to even start, cause in that period of time i can open Spitfire or Orchestra Tools and start working i Kontakt immediatelly.

    You should really consider making things more simple, cause now you have bunch on players, versions,s and ensemble mixer versions.

    You were once a brillianrt company with all things straightforward, that is slowly becoming pretty messy.

    Last but not least, getting only one license is beyond reason. You should really check on Spectrasonics, and their user friendly policy, which you clearly do not provide.



    badstring studio LTD