@Phrygian Lotus said:
Thanks, I already watched those videos. 😊 But as I know, they dont tell me, how I can change the articulations, once I played the melody. So how can I do it afterwards?
TIm, keyswitch changes are themselves MIDI data. If you want to keyswitch to a different instrument, you'll need to insert appropriate keyswitch MIDI data into the MIDI data you recorded, inserting it right before the data where you want the change to take effect.
So you'll need first to set up your keyswitch assignments to X and Y in a Vienna Instruments matrix, making them point to the appropriate row and column that contains the instruments you want.
Hope that helps. If not, you should review the basics of how Vienna Instruments and MIDI work together. Until you understand them you will not get anywhere. I know that VSL videos tend to cover a lot of hard-to-understannd material and do it so rapidly that it is VERY difficult for beginners. There's no other way to get where you want without taking your time, pausing until you understand, and making gradual progress.
I apologize in advance if I have misread your posts and wrongly concluded that you are a beginner. If so, my bad. Just trying to help.