@Garehead said:
Anyone having issues using Halion 6 inside VEP 6? Seems I can only use one instance of Halion in an instance of VEP. If I use two instances of Halion then try to save the project it always crashes. Anyone using Halion 6 having the same issue?
I am using about 6 fully loaded Halion 6 instances and maybe close to 100 HAlion Sonic SE instances with no problems in the crashing department.
There is a rather severe bug we discovered with the convolution FX in the HALion platform causing a bizarre very long connection time between Cubase and VE PRO only when it connects the first time. Hard to notice with just a couple of instances but when you have dozens it becomes obvious. It is only happens when the patches utilize the convolution reverb or the convolution based Guitar Amp FX.
Steinberg has been notified so hopefully there will be a fix implemented soon.