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  • Hi Danilo, 

    Thanks for your post!

    We are in contact with UVI about this, and we're a bit stuck on our side, because we don't know how to help. 

    VST/AU hosting in VE PRO is sticking to all standards...


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul,

    I don't know what to say, until some version ago I could open Falcon, now I can't and I'm a bit stucked in between VSL and UVI cos both of you are saying that 'it's all made by the book'.

    Now what?



  • Hi Danilo, 

    One of us must be lying, involuntarily. I just can't find out who it is. Will try to push this, but friday night is not the perfect point in time. Will keep you up to date!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello, I have been reporting the same problem for a long time, I hope you solve it. I'm waiting for news. Thank you

  • last edited
    last edited

    Hi Paul,

    I obviously don't pretend that you fix it on friday or saturday night 😉 but I'll be already happy that someone will take care of it one of these days. And it shouldn't be complicate cos if you try to go back some versions of both VEP6 and Falcon, you'll realize that Falcon AU was working as expected on VEP6. Therefore at some point, either on VEP6 or Falcon updates, something changed.

    Have a nice weekend ;-)


  • Hi Danilo, 

    If you had the version numbers of the last working combination available, that would be a tremendous help!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    I'm sure you've got all the previous versions of VEP6, about Falcon I've got to check it out if I still have it on some backup. I'll let you know …

    By the way, down here I'm marked "whatch the thread and receive eamil notification" option, but I never receive email. Any idea? 



  • Hi Danilo, 

    I'll check the notication option. 

    Seems like we found something for Falcon (a developer library mismatch), so I think a new version of Falcon could fix this. Let's see how fast UVI can handle this. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    I hope that's the way to go. On my side I can't find on my backups older version of Falcon to check it out, but if you're in contact with UVI folks I'm sure they'll be able to porvide some copies for you.

    Thank you so much …


  • I tried some versions.

    Falcon 1.5.1 is no probrem.

    Falcon 1.5.4 or later, AU can not any VEP versions.

  • Falcon 1.6.5 was just released, and one of the release notes is "fix issue in Vienna Ensemble Pro", hopefully it works for you.

  • Hi there,

    I'll check it out asap and I'll let you know. 
