Brass and winds is on sale this month, however, the special editions are not showing as having any sale for me... Was really hoping to complete my special edition collection today (all Im missing is 2+ strings, brass, and woodwinds)
Looking at just 2 plus by itself, it shows no discount, just 285 Euros, when I look at the volume 2 bundle (of which I already have a license for 2), it shows a discount of 55 Euros, and when I look at the special edition complete, it shows a discount of 44 Euros.
Obviously, the prices are not showing up correctly, the discount on 2 plus brass and winds by itself should be a savings of 60 euros, plus additional savings due to buying the special edition complete bundle, yes?
It would appear that I also overpaid for the special edition 1 plus brass and winds I bought back on november 1rst as well, I paid 172 and on sale, these should have been 144, plus a discount for purchasing the bundle. Im so confused...