It is NOT more flexible or more powerful. It is just a different interface that is all. It is personal preference whether one uses it or not. Don't elevate mere preference into a fact.
With VI one can control EVERY PARAMETER OF MIDI in an elegant setup with all needed controls upfront. You have stated VI is "laborious" - it is not "laborious" at all with the proper templates, but rather is very easy and quick to use. And MIR, the companion to VI, is the easiest of all to use of any professional software I have ever encountered.
And please don't start lecturing me on Synchron like I am a beginner - your normal mode of dealing with everyone. I already have Synchron and think it is very good. As I stated this was simply a supportive statement about VI, not about putting down Synchron.
Hi William, since there have been times we were able to discuss reasonable, I still think we both will be able to comunicate as respectful as this forum deserves it.
So let me start exactly with that: I respect totally your personal preference for the workflow you have developed over ther years with VI I think we both consent, that there is still by far no other sampleplayer from any other competitor ready to compete VI in any way. It is tremendouspowerful, and versatile.
There are three aspects which I personally esteem in Synchron as even more powerful:
- While VI is basedf on a more or less two dimensional Matrix systemthe Treestructure of Synchron opens up x8 as much possible ways top combine patches in certain 8 different "dimensions" of the same preset. In my humble opinion that is just "more".
- VI provides for each "cell" one option to X-fade selected Patches in a special slot for that function. In Synchron you can chose up to xfade through each "Dimensioon" what gives at least the option to X-Fade with the same patch in multiple directions that is just "more" than one.
- The mixer in Synchron is full featured and as such in nearly every detail accessible for seperate midi-conmtrole (as most other functions to) this is just "more" than the Pan and volume options of the VI-.Mixer
I will stop here to avoid what you might judge as lecturing and hope I havend took more text than you just to indicate my point of view. While Of course the fact, that the Symchron-Player is still un vivid develpoment makes it very resonable if we the users discuss exactly what we like and what we expect the Player should do. So if there is anything Synchron currently is not able to and anyone of us might regard as necessary feature. I think now is the best time to discuss that.
So please dont think I would have any interest to dispute your standpoint. It is just the exchangfe of oipnions and diffderent personal views which can be of iumportants for the further development of the VSL-Products and thats in my humble opinion a good reason to discuss detailed and concrete.