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  • Is there even any support? Dead e-licenser ...

    Asking in a forum out of desperation, can't find any support page for Vsl products,


    Getting message "could not find a license for Vienna ... " even though my USB Vienna key is plugged in and the idiotic elicenser control center has updated itself a few hundred times. 

  • Hi williamcopper, 

    You can contact us via

    For the eLicenser key, I'd try different USB ports, best directly on the computer. Do you see that the red light is on?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you for the support address; looked everywhere on the site and couldn't find it.   Got the thing working by squeezing the plastic while inserting.  :(

  • Hi williamcopper,

    My advice is to get a new eLicenser key right away and transfer those licenses to your new key, to be on the safe side. 

    Moving licenses between eLicenser USB keys is simple:
    1) Connect both keys to your computer
    2) Open the eLicenser Control Center
    3) Drag the license(s) from one key to the other key. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @williamcopper said:

    [...] can't find any support page for Vsl products [...]

    Company > Contact > Support

    ... or plain and simply:


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @williamcopper said:

    [...] can't find any support page for Vsl products [...]

    Company > Contact > Support

    ... or plain and simply:


    I fear I could nort recommend asking the "Support" if you have a real problem, since I have made the expirience that they first of all try to get rid of you with answers like "not our problem" or "cant reproduce here" before having really tryied anthing a regular support would do to realy understand the problem. (asking for Details, asking for Project-Data to reproduce the problem).

  • @fahl5: That's a pretty bold statement, considering the work done and the extremely positive customer feedback received by the people from VSL support - day in, day out.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    @fahl5: That's a pretty bold statement, considering the work done and the extremely positive customer feedback received by the people from VSL support - day in, day out.

    not at all "bold", just verifiable true,

    Or could you show me only the faintest indication, that anyone has ever tried to ask for details to competenf and reliable understand the problem? If not than calling me "bold" instead of trying to solve problems is exactly what I criticise as non recommendable support.

    All here should know that I am very positive and supportive about the hard work the VSL spent to develop and realise Ideas which I have suggested already 5 years ago like the articulation dimensions.

    Al,l here know that I am for long years a pretty faithful expierienced VSL-customer, who defenitly dont bother anyone with unattentive beginner-problems.

    Nevertheless if anything here deserves the characterisation  "bold" than the way my last support request was handled in its obvious only tendency just to get rid of the customer who asks for support instead of a serious attempt to find out the problem and search together for a solution.

    If you would not simply ignore serious support request and critics than you would already noticed that the whole is also subject of another thread here, on which likewise the only support reaction is simply  "bold" ignorance.

    It does not make any better "support" if you now even start to insult with characterisations like "bold" the one who just tries to get support for a product he has bought and wants to use is it should be useable. Moreover it is obviously just one more proof for what I said about the not recomendable VSL-Support.

    Sorry but that is realy a way you damage your own products more than they deserve it. 👎

  • Sorry to hear fahl.
    I had the best experience with the VSL support you can have: Fast, reliabel and competent.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @bbelius said:

    Sorry to hear fahl.
    I had the best experience with the VSL support you can have: Fast, reliabel and competent.

    My last expierience was:

    1. Answer (without any question for further Details): "not our Problem"

    Just a few minutes after my astonished response about this kind of completly ignorant non-support and again without any further request for any details

    2. Answer "could not reproduce your problem"

    Sorry but this is neither serious, nor competent nor reliable and in so far absolutly no support and not recommendable at all.

    No one can reproduce nor solve a problem without asking for details and insulting the customer instead of trying to solve the problem like Dietz seems to prefer to handle it is just another proof for what I said.

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    @bbelius said:

    Sorry to hear fahl.
    I had the best experience with the VSL support you can have: Fast, reliabel and competent.

    Yeah I would have to 2nd this.  Although I admit I haven't tested VSL support all that much but, on the rare occasions when I've had problems, they were always fast courteous and professional. 


    I'm sorry that your experience was not as pleasant as mine but for the benefit of others who might be reading this.

  • Perhaps you have had the lucky situation to ask something what could be answered easily and does not afford any serious problem research. Buit if they launch a completly new software it is not so improbable that problems occur, which deserve a more serious reflection. But this is what they still refuse completely to do.

    So still I do not have any other answer then "not our problem" and "could not reproduce" without any question for any problem research at all and finaly being insulted as "bold" for criticising this complete absence of serious support.

    This is definitly what I could not recommend anyone.

  • Just think about this: If someone can't reproduce your problem, how should he/she help you?
    Have you tried to reproduce this problem on a different system?
    How about you reproduce it and screen-capture the problem?

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @bbelius said:

    Just think about this: If someone can't reproduce your problem, how should he/she help you?
    Have you tried to reproduce this problem on a different system?
    How about you reproduce it and screen-capture the problem?

    The question is:

    - If he did not even tried to reproduce anything, how can he pretend in his first reaction, that it is "not his problem" ???

    - If he pretend just a few minutes after my astonished reaction on this first refuse of any problem research that he "could not reproduce" the problem without having asked neither for any project data, nor for any information abvout the active settings. How could he pretend to have tried to reproduce anything????

    To reproduce a problem you do need all necessary technical circumstances. You can not reproduce anything without asking for them. What every professional Support usually does is asking for the project data. Until now the VSL-Support in this case never asked me anything at all. And this complete absence of professional problemresearch is simply the complete opposit of what any competent support is supposed to be.

    And it is of course not "bold" to criticise that but simply insolent to ignore the founded reason of that critic when calling the critic it self "bold" as Dietz does.

    It is again just the same problem. They simply refuse to search for the reason of a problem and prefer insulting the customer who asks for support instead.

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    Oddly enough fahl I remember my post 666 being an angry one too.  I wonder if there's something to that devilish number 666  😈😈😈

    But back to your problem.  I believe you can download free software that makes a movie of your actions on your computer.  You could then export that to an MP4 or MPEG video file then send it to VSL support.  In other words, make a video of the problem you're having then send it to them with any pertinent crash logs etc. and see what they say.  If they can't crack it then maybe post a link here on the forum to the video.


    Just a suggestion to VSL 💡

    The company I bought my DAW system from left a link on the desktop which let's me allow them to remote into my system in case of problems.  Now they can't access any of my files or drives when they remote in they are just watching what I'm doing then, over the phone, telling me what to do and where to go etc.

    As an American customer this probably would not be practical for me or others living too far out of Austria's time zone but it might be something to think about for your European customers?  Just a thought. 

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    Thank you jasensmith for your understandiong reaction. You are right there are of course a lot things one might do to research and try to solve a problem and if a software is just a few weeks on the market one would expect, that the research of problems reported by customers would be essential to make sure to clear all possible bugs or usage-problems. The more astonishing I found that nearly everyone here (expect the VSL-Guys themselfe) have already occupied himself more with this subject than the VSL-Support has until now.

    To become concrete about your suggestions:

    - Since there is no crash, I fear crashlogs would not be that informative if they nevertheless might be than I do not understand, why no one of the VSL-Siupport ever has asked for. 😠

    - Remote acces? yes even if this might be a bit more complicate in a Host-Slave-Setup, however I would be ready for.... but the VSL-Support obviously not 😠

    - Videos might be helpful very often, especially when it comes to understand exactly what the user expiriences. In this caser the matter is pretty simple the Synchron-Player resets every sertting immediatly when ever the playback stops.

    This phenomen has in it self nothing dubious or misunderstandable, since it is usually the result of certain Cubase-Settings when either you have set the Programsettings to do so (which is here not the case - but the Support even never asked  that pretty simple question😠) or when the Latch-mode option in the expressionmaps settings is unchecked, which is here also not the case (even if the Support also did not asked for that😠).

    To pretend that this phenomen is something independent from the Synchronplayer (as the Support does without any attempt even to ask for all information to reproduce the problem😠) caused by the DAW and its settings would mean in consequenc, that it should occur likewise with every other connected VST working in the same context. (It even does not afford that much technical intelligence to simply ask for how other VST-behave in the same project. What the VSL-Support again did not in any moment.😠).

    However the fact, that even the VI act in exactly the same project on the same slave without any playback-stop-reset (while the Synchron player up to now still resets with every playbackstop😠) proves imho that the problem is obviously limited on the new synchron player and in so far definitly a problem of nothing else than the VSL-Synchron-Player .

    I would expect, that VSL should have an interest, that new 'Software which was just released a few weeks ago should run without problems and thus be interested to solve Problems that occur, but for me as pretty long and faithful VSL-User it is more than sad,m that they obviously simply refuses to do even the least kind of probnlem-research but prefer to insult those who report those well founded problems of their software and their Support as "bold". 😠