I can report some progress through simple trial and error learning
Thus far in VSL, using strings and winds, I have always used MIDI CC to change the articulation and the note in the sequencer to get the note, but this does not work in the Harp.
So I tried it with the Key Switches from C1 and it worked - I got the patches to play back.
I must say the manual is misleading where it says :
C3–D4: 1 octave glissandos, in various ranges (p and f for C and B, mf for other scales) F4–A4: 3 octave (p/f)
C5: 5 octave (p/f)
D5: single cross-glissando (p/f)
E5: multiple cross-glissando (p/f)”
But what actually seems to be the case is that the C3-D4, C5, D5, E5 give the different patches for various ranges and dynamics for the pitch chosen by the key switch.
The manual also says
“The Preset information lists the Matrices used in the Preset as well as its keyswitches. All other information can be gathered from the Matrix and Patch listings, so there’s not really much to say here. Please note that the Matrices of a Preset can also be switched with MIDI Program Changes (VI: 101–112; VI PRO: 1–127) instead of keyboard notes, and if you like to keep your keyboard free for playing instead of switching, you can disable Preset keyswitching and only use MIDI Program Changes. Vienna Instruments PRO also allows you to define a MIDI Control for Preset keyswitching. “
This too is not at all clear.
Note that what VSL call program changes - matrix switching - DP call patch changes.
Next I tried to use MIDI program changes instead of key switches and that worked, but not quite as described in the manual.
01 HA1_7gl_sl-C-mi was loaded In the Matrix Control.
X axis was set to CC0
In the DP MIDI event list I selected Patch Change, which brought up this input field :
If the second n matched the CC0 values in the Matrix Control, the glass was executed.
(What are the 1st and 3rd ns for ?)
So I can now get to execute the chosen patch.
I see a row of patch names C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. So I am expecting something chromatic, but it doesn’t sound like that. Am I unconsciously expecting arpeggios ?
Is it that the patch names are of the start note of the gliss, whilst the notes included in the glass are just different depending on the start note because of the complexities of harp tuning ?