Hi Jimmy,
intersting point of view. But imho people judging about digital interpretation are in one verty big danger:
They tend to assume, that "digital" must be in any way more or in general always to "mechanical" however less "real" or less "authentic".
So they tend to just imagine based on this assumption kind of idealistic fantasy antipode what so ever one might or should demand from an interpretation, without being enough aware, how "realistic" this assumption ever could be.
No imho it is definitly not neither realistic, nor real at all. In reality Music never has been ever "perfect" in any way, But that never kept "good" musicians from trying as hard as they are able to make the music as good as they can with exactly those instruments they could get .And how ever imperfect that ever and always was, that obviously was always fun enough for them and their audience.
Dont be afraid to do the same thing with the musical instruments of our time. They are as good as they could be at least the VSL stuff definitly is. I personalkly dont havew any doubt, that especially they realy strugfgle hard to do the best.
So it io our chance now to use them as good as possible. So if you are interested in music keep your eyes and ears open for what is realy possible instead of closing your mind and ears with complains and demands of which no one benefits in any way. As it seems to me, to complain was all over music history always the part of those who were left behind.
In fact, the reality of music made by manucaturer with their oldfashion wooden boxes and tautend strings, bows, etc. do have more than enough difficulties to achieve any satisfying result. Just take the minute to listen how it in realitry sounded, when Toscanini conducted that piece with his NBC Symphony Orchestra.
I fear you soon might wish Toscanini would have had a bit more sophisticated controle on dynamic subtleties more Velocitylayer and more differenciated CC11 editing applied to a greater variety of phrasing details. But that was of course not that much available for him since just to keep this high tempo (today, no problem for my DAW 😎) was kind of a pretty heroic task for the brilliant musicians of his time. And for his contemporaries this was breathtaking enough, they ( at least enough) didn't complain about his rigid concentration on the controle over the for his orchestra ambitious tempo. It was his ingenius way to try as hard what he can.
Let us better follow their example and try with our means the best we can achieve. So if there would in reality anything one might improve, dont just stay on the side of those who are left behind with their complains, but simply take the opportunit,y go the step ahaed and just do it better. This will be very inspiring for the whole comunity here. Since we all only learn from good and better real examples what is realy possible. That is imho what only can make music authentic. So keep us struggle together for the greatest and most brilliant use of the incredible tools VSL contribute.