Thanks for the info littlewierdo.
I understand that the full editions have more velocity layers and sample more notes than SE. I think that probably contributes to what I'm hearing.
Also, Vienna Instruments Pro adds a considerable amount of realism
I've heard this a bunch before. Does it "add a considerable amount of realism" simply by loading instruments in VIP instead of VI? How? I know that it has some tuning and timing randomization. What else does it do out of the box to add realism?
The VIP sales page states it provides "intelligent Performance Detection for all Vienna Instruments," and the manual has the words "Human Performance Control" in the introduction. There's no other mention of "intelligent Performance Detection" or "Human Performance Control" anywhere else in the manual.
(edit: according to the videos "Human Performance Control" is the tuning / timing randomization. Still not sure what "intelligent Performance Detection" is)
This is what I alluded to in my original post with "transition scripting" – does VIP somehow read the MIDI data as I'm playing it and interpret it in some way that provides a bit of realism?
I'm trying to understand the variables involved in the difference between SE and Audition. Here's what I've got so far:
- velocity layers – full libraries have more
- note samples – full libraries are chromatic, SE is every two or three notes
- some special sauce that VIP provides
- tweaks to VIP configuration
Maybe there's other stuff. I'm open to hearing it.
For now I'm accepting the limitations of the SE samples. That leaves the last two variables – VIP special sauce, and tweaking the configuration.
Is the Audition simply full libraries + VIP, with no tweaking to the configuration? Or is there some VIP tweaking I can do as well to get the sounds to play more smoothly? (I realize you don't have the answer to this littlewierdo but hopefully someone from VSL can chime in)
It boils down to: how close can I get SE to the feel of Audition, and what do I need to do to make that happen?