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    Great to see that the downloads are going fast!

    If you just want to use the Synchron Player in the future, you can safely erase all the VI Synchron Strings I Content.

    Maybe it's a good idea to bounce your existing tracks to audio, to be on the safe side.

    The VI content s still available in the Downloads Archive.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Congrats on the release, VSL team!!!

    I notice there are some new audio demos on the product page.

    Are all the demos on the page using the new Synchron Player?

  • Great to have the Synchron Player but here the au version doesn't appear in Logic 10.4.1 or Live 10. The vst version shows up in Live 10. I can also open the player in Protools. I'm on macOS 10.13.3. Any ideas?

  • Paul, What is the controller you are using to adjust your cc data in the synchron player video tutorials? I would love to know where I can get one! Thanks Becky

  • Just found a restart is the solution to the Synchron Player audio unit not showing up in Logic and Live. Looking forward very much to getting to grips with this software.

  • Double posting ( ignore)

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    [What is the controller you are using to adjust your cc data in the synchron player video tutorials? I would love to know where I can get one!]

    Hi Paul,

    The same here 😛


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    @Acclarion said:


    What is the controller you are using to adjust your cc data in the synchron player video tutorials? I would love to know where I can get one!



    I believe it is this one :



  • Hi Daviddln,

    Thank you !I was refering to the box not to hb1 ( I do not know Acclarion's perspective )

  • Hi Paul, great job! Two questions though,

    1. We did download the Synchron Libraries (Strings-Yamaha Piano) Earlier this year (before June 2018).  Do the downloads Yamaha multi SPv1 (36.66 GB), Yamaha Stereo SPv1 (34.57 GB) and the Strings 1_1st Violins multi SPv4 (24.82 GB), contain new additional samples and therefore we need to download all the GBs?

    2. We are in a position where we have to use two PCs for all our VSL libraries and software (beside the one we are recording - Protools HDX) as the Synchron Yamaha Piano requires a lot of  computing power by itself in case of uncompromised settings and number of voices. Can we run the Synchron Player on one PC (say A) while the library is installed on another PC (say B) on the Local network? Will we have delays?

    Please advise


  • Paul, why have you removed the transport controls from the vidoe player? Now there no way to pick up where we loft off watching.

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
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    The MIDI Slider controller is a Faderfox unit I picked up a few years ago (I think it is not available anymore, but there are some alternatives. I like the quality of the sliders.

    1) We have created a new format that supports the performance, that's why all samples were re-packed for Synchron Strings I.
    The content for Synchron Piano Yamaha CFX stayed the same.

    2) Synchron Player and content need to be installed on the same computer.

    @Bill: I'm not aware that any controls were removed, but I will check again. Do you want to send a screenshot that shows the difference to before? You can always switch through the chapters as well.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Congrats for the beautiful library and its player, and also thank you for the info regarding the faderfox unit !

    All best,


  • Hello Paul,

     Thanks for ths, was eagerly waiting!! 



  • Hi Neelesh, 

    We have started with the first violins and added the MULTI Library download for first violins yesterday. All sections will follow over the course of th next days (making sure that we can provide sufficient download performance for everyone). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul!!

    Is the link for the Violin 2 active yet? I dont seem to find it in myvsl..



  • Hi, 

    Sorry, my mistake, it was the MULTI Library for first violins that was added yesterday. I think the second violins will be added soon. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi everybody,

    2nd violins STEREO Download is online now!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi there,

    thanks for providing the Synchron Player. I am still testing all the new features. :)

    BUT: I am experiencing heavy dropouts even with just one microphone. It has nothng to do with the voice limit, I checked this. Maybe I'm doing something wrong... I tried the Player in Logic as a plugin and in VE Pro, both the same. I have no SSD and the loading times are immense. For me, it sounds sometimes that not all samples are loaded, because I can't really play repititions, too. Or is this the normal behaviour?

    I am working on macOS Sierra (10.12.6) on a Mac Pro 3,46 GHz 6-Core (2009 version) with 32 GB RAM.

  • I tried it with a HD first too. Fazit ... purchase a SSD! This library is just not made for a normal HD. (Even if it would run normal ... you mentioned the loading times ... just imagine the project crashes ... how many time do you have?)