Hi karvala,
Already on it!
Expect another update very soon. Will keep you posted!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
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I just bought the library, and as you can guess, I got the same problem.
Where can I download the 1.0.464 please?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Hi peterphonix,
Previous builds are always available in our Software Archive.
May I ask you to send a short example as an mp3 and Sequencer project to support@vsl.co.at?
We're actually having a hard time to reproduce the troubles.
Hi Paul,
mail sent with a Cubase project and mp3 file (that compares the behavior of the CFX to Ivory with the same midi sequence, to highlight the chopping problem with the pedal).
I will wait for the fix.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Please check out the new Synchron Player 1.0.582 is available!
Find the changelog right here, I think we found a great solution.
very nice update. Sustain pedal never chop samples any more!
@slobajudge What happens in detail?
I also think that is excellent update, now with my VPC1 and pedal I can`t see a problem yet (will see tomorow when I play it more because is not in my home), but with my home Kawai es100 and this update from time to time chokes for a second, sustain stops. I must play more to detect more accurate whats going on.
Hi slobajudge,
Please contact us with some examples (as mp3 and sequencer projects), so we can investigate: support@vsl.co.at
The better you can isolate the troubles you see (few notes), the faster the fix.
I have two computers (both Macbook Pros, 2.7GHz, 16GB, quad processor). One is 2012 vintage and the other is 2016 vintage. The newer one has a very fast SSD, the older one has an SSD that is significantly slower but still pretty good. On both machines I am streaming from the internal SSD.
I have a midi file that stresses the SSD pretty hard (over 400-500 voices in some parts depending on the mic preset). The older machine has problems in the more stressful parts of the playback. The newer machine has no problem ever with this file. When looking at ther CPU monitor, the older machine hits 100% in several places and it is here that I hear samples cutting out. The newer machine never gets over 75% even with the lowest preload setting. The old machine hits 100% often even with the highest preload settings. But the preload setting does make a difference.
The SSD speed is the only significant difference between these machines. I suspect the SSD speed is why some people are having problems and others aren't.
Anyway, the logic pro project and midi file are at the link below so you can test on your machines and monitor the CPU to see if it gets to 100%. I think that is when the samples are cutting out.