Hi folks,
I'm trying to configure an instrument for my needs with Synchron Violins1.
I have the 4 legatos in 4 cells and each cell has two patches for slot a/b crossfade between normal vib and lyrical vib.
In the normal legato the lyrical vib is slightly louder than the standard vib. That feels quite natural as it gets more intense with more vibrato. But in the slur legatos it's vice versa: the standard vib patch is much louder than the slur lyrical vibrato and also louder than the standard vib patches of the other 3 legato patches. Every time playing lyrical vib slured the tone pops out loud (at same CC-VelX-level). I use the Room-Mix versions.
I can't use the VIPro mixer to make the Leg-Slur-Vib quieter because the crossfade patch Leg-Slur-LyV uses the same mixer channel (a/b) for crossfading. If I put it into another slot than the Leg-Slut_vib patch to get an extra mixer channel it doesn't crossfade any more.
I found a lot of settings in the advanced tab of VIPro (like start offset etc...) but no simple volume control for a patch. How can I fine tune that?
Thanks for help and greetings from Frankfurt/Germany