I know that VI is very flexible in how to deal with dynamics, but I'm not as much! :) So, I would like to ask directly which is the preferred strategy of the other users.
What I know is that Velocity is the correct choice for percussions, and the preferred one for many with staccato passages. If you use a continuous control for sustain articulations, send a CC28 to turn Velocity XF off, and gain control of dynamics with Velocity. Send a CC28 back, and regain control on continuous data.
Controlling sustain passages is most often done with a continuous control. CC01 (Modulation) or CC02 (Breath) are the most common. Play a note, and use either the modwheel of the breath controller to keep the note sustaining, swell, fade out.
Since I'm awaiting for a breath controller (the TEControl), I will have two lanes of CCs acting on my dynamics: CC01 from the modwheel, and CC02 from the breath controller. I wonder if I should set the breath controller to send CC01 data, to have all the dynamics in a single lane, without having to separately deal with the different sources. (Or, I could set the modwheel to send CC02 data…)
Having been trained as a piano player, I have never really dealt with dynamics inside the notes. Since when I started playing wind instruments, I discovered that a note can be extremely variable. At the same time, my teachers say that I should keep a note as steady as possibile, without inflating it. Only a phrase, they say, should normally vary in dynamics, not a single note. So, maybe even sustaining notes could work well if controlled by Velocity.