Hi Everyone,
now that SyS is almost complete, I tried to make a comparison between Orchestral Strings, Dimension Strings and Synchron Strings.
I used a short part of a piece that I wrote sometimes ago, using only the strings part, no woodwinds or brass and so on.
For every instruments I used breath controller and mostly legato patches, here and there portato.
For SyS I used Leg-Soft-LyV Full Velocities Room-Mix and a little bit of Miracle; for Orch. Str. and Dim. Str. I used Mir Pro and Teldex as venue (2nd Vlns on the right).
There is no EQ or Comp at all, just the original sound.
The sequence in the file audio is:
1- Orch. Str.
2- Dim. Str.
3- SyS
4- Orch. and Dim. together
I didn't tweak the midi files so much, it is mostly on the fly, I added some articulations after the recording and corrected some errors, that's it.
I really would like to know what you think about the sound of these libraries.
I have added a file of the same music using Appassionata Strings.
That's a new library for me so this is only a starting point, but I had a great first impression.
Again, MIR Pro with the Teldex venue.
The volume is higher than the other file and in the first 5 seconds there is silence.
Happy listening and thanks for sharing here your impressions!