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  • Ensemble and Instrument license missing now from eLicenser

    New PC build, using existing eLicenser that I've had for a while.  Can't get ProTools to load, keeps hanging on its start up routine catching on Vienna Ensemble 6.  Says there is no license on eLicense.  Sure enough, there's no longer a license on eLicense for the basic Instruments or Ensemble.  There are License for Instruments Pro and Ensemble Pro 6 though.

    So it looks like installing the latest Ensemble PRO 6 removed it maybe?  Though I admit it sounds strange even to me since the license for PRO 5 still exists on the thumb drive.   I double checked MyVSL and the basic Instrument/Ensemble version 6 is in there... Since I'm doing a clean install across the board on this new pc.. I'm pretty sure that's where I got the software to begin with. 

    So I'm wondering what the correct next step is.  Try support to see if I can get an activation code? OR simply remove the basic versions of the software.

    One other thing that's new to me is when I updated the eLicense software it added a picture of a hard drive below the USB thumb drive.  When I select that icon though, there are no license listed.   Sorry to be a pain, but I tend to leave my ProTools computers disconnected from the internet to avoid all these disruptive changes...   Anyway I'm mentioning that because its different, and on the chance that provides a clue to help troubleshoot.  (Yeah I know.. grasping at straws... I'll admit it)

    Just in case

    Windows 10 64bit (build 16299)

    Z370 Extreme 4 MOBO

    i7 8700k (no overclock)...  yet

    64GB memory

    Nvidia GeForce GTX 960

    UAD apollo silverface with additional quad pci card

    Thunderbolt 3 card

    pci card with additional usb2

    anything else?


    Thanks in advance for your input.


  • I'm get the same hang when loading Pro Tools files. Requires me to restart before the system will recognize the eLicense.

  • Attempted to start Pro Tools again after moving Vienna Instrument plug in from used to unused plug in folder.  Now it hangs on Vienna Instrument Pro.  See attached snip   

    Please note I have the latese eLicense running PT 12.5.2, and the ELicense clearly displays the Instruments PRO license being available.

    Helpful information:  Prior to starting PT I started Ensemble Pro, and it is running in the background with a new single computer set up...hmmm not a pre-existing set up from the previous computer I mean.

    Kind of scratching my head here any ideas of what the correct next step is?

  • Tried. Remove ProTools, empty recyle, run Ccleaner on registry, Windows 10 inplace upgrade (suggested by microsoft, works to reinstall existing win 10, not just upgrade from earlier versions)  Reinstall ProTools 12.5.2, make sure Vienna instruments and Ensemble vs6 still resides in unused folder.     No joy, Pro Tools hangs on start up at Vienna Ensemble Pro 6.

    Next step remove delete Ensemble PRO 6 and reinstall.    Has this stuff not happened to anyone else out there?

  • joy


    Strange though.... it works fine in Cubase9.5 as long as I remove the instruments/ensemble build 6

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    @bryant said:

    New PC build, using existing eLicenser that I've had for a while. 

    This may be completely irrelavant to your problem but may I ask how long you've had this eLicenser dongle?

  • thanks for responding jasensmith.

    Hard to say how long I've had this dongle.. over 5 years at least.  I have another dongle which is empty, I think I obtained it with a physical copy of Cubase 8  which may be more recent, however, its physical appearance is the same.

    The current dongle says its running the most recent eLicenser software and it has no problems going thru the normal process of adding licenses, maintenence and the like.

    Relative to the dongle however, I did notice a change as I started to reload all the software (have not gotten to the bulk of plug ins yet btw)  and that change was the addition of an HDD icon below the thumb drive in the left most panel.  When I select the HDD icon, the right hand panel shows no licenses there.  Which is ok with me as I intend to switch dongle between systems.

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    @bryant said:

    Hard to say how long I've had this dongle.. over 5 years at least. 

    Consider getting another dongle and transfering the licenses because there is only a two year warranty on the VSL licenses.  You have to keep buying a Vienna key every two years to keep the warranty active.

    Does Cubase use the same e-Licenser encryption?  If so, I'm not sure how that works with both Cubase and VSL using the same dongle.

    Again, I don't know if this will solve your problems but, after reading your original post, the age of your dongle was a big red flag in my eyes.

  • Dear Bryan,

    Did you find a fix for this ? I'm having kind of the same issue with VE 6 (not pro).  It doesn't appear on my e-licenser list, and prevents my Sibelius software from loading.  Running OSX Mojave I guess that the issue is cross-platform...
