Thanks a lot Guy, for the clarification.
Agitato: Its a previlege to share a forum with composers like Guy, Errikos, and William. Why should I care about Zimmer?!
I've tried to that bring up a couple of times. Not that these film music discussions aren't interesting, far from that, but is this the right place? It could be another topic. Here we like to deal with compositions (our own) and orchestrations and instruments, not plagiarism or thievery or whatever other composers might be doing... Here we have great VSL-composers and we are thankful that we can enjoy and learn from their masterful creations since they are willing to share their compositions and demos with us. It's been very quiet here lately and it looks like everybody is scared to post a comment, advice, hint, encouragement... leaving preferences and personal tastes aside. Or is it yet indeference?
I hope that this section will eventually come back to its original goals for the benefit of all these members being creative with these beautiful Vienna virtual instruments!