Just to clarify, is not in any way connected with the company MOTU so I don't think this fix was officially from MOTU.
I really do hope VSL and MOTU will get the DP/VEPro/HS problem fixed soon.
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Any news?.. My music production is frozen.
I do not know, what you guys are doing there, but I had to switch DAW...
Don't know why this problem hasn't been addressed at this point but I too am considering switching from DP to Logic or Cubase. I called MOTU in early November to ask about their progress with Vienna and they told me it was Vienna's problem. No wonder MOTU is not in the top 5 category of DAWs.... they are becoming irrelevant.
As others have noted, Apple asks daily for me to upgrade to High Sierra. The MOTU/VEP issue is the only reason I haven't done so. At the moment, I'm not inconvenienced by sticking with Sierra for now, but experience teaches that fairly soon, High Sierra is going to be a necessary upgrade.
Moving to another from DP9 to another DAW is, after decades of using DP, a high stress proposition, but I'm beginning to wonder if this will become necessary. And this is STRESSFUL to consider.
If I have to switch I want to go to a DAW which will provides the easiest path to porting over all my DP projects. One that has the lowest learning curve for a DP user. Has great tech support, etc.
What are the CONTENDERS? Anyone made the switch and can speak with first hand knowledge?
And finally a question for VSL support: Is the problem not fixable on the VSL side?
Man, this is frustrating.
It seems like MOTU and VSL are behaving like Republicans and Democrats on this by the way...Surely there is a programmer in either company who knows how to fix this. After all, we put a man on the moon...
. . .
Man, this is frustrating.
. . .
Yes, it is and neither MOTU nor VSL will say, "We're sorry so many of you are having a problem that so directly affects your bread and butter. Representatives of both programming teams will be talking this week and come up with a fix."
I'm just surprised that VSL isn't taking the lead on this. They are usually very responsive to their customers.
. . .
Man, this is frustrating.
. . .
Yes, it is and neither MOTU nor VSL will say, "We're sorry so many of you are having a problem that so directly affects your bread and butter. Representatives of both programming teams will be talking this week and come up with a fix."
I'm just surprised that VSL isn't taking the lead on this. They are usually very responsive to their customers.
So they have sent all their findings to their colleagues from MOTU yesterday, as we are cooperating to find a solution, and they have already answered to our requests.
I am sorry to say though, that they are actually as clueless as we are when it comes to finding the actual cause of the problem, let alone a solution to it...
Their suspicion is that this is an OS bug involving loading multiple dylibs that depend upon other common non-OS dylibs. It may have something to do with the fact that DP loads multiple plug-in formats simultaneously. They’ve reached out to their contact at Apple but so far haven’t heard back.
So this is the current situation and I must admit that it is extremely frustrating for us as well simply not to know what might possibly cause the incompatibility.
Our developers will continue to investigate in cooperation with MOTU and Apple and I sincerely hope that a solution can be found soon!
My apologies for not having better news at the moment and thank you again for your patience!"
MOTU had a more....lame response to my inquries:
"Like yourself we are waiting for VSL to issue an update that addresses compatibility with DP under OS 10.13. MOTU can not predict VSLs development schedule therefore we can not tell you when that update will be released."
Hope this helps,
Gluppy... Gee thanks for telling everybody that they shouldn't upgrade to a newer system. Now to reality... I bought an iMac Pro that only runs on High Sierra. So what am I supposed to do. I can't go back. There were no warnings about the problem from either VSL or MOTU. Unless you dug into the bowels of the VSL or Motunation forums and knew what you were looking for, nothing popped up.
MOTU told me VEP 5 would work .... Nope! I can't believe this hasn't been a priority fro both MOTU and VSL for months. Obviously it isn't. VSL has been cranking on Synchron Strings. I get it from their side but with the number of composers using DP and VSL together it seems a bit dangerous from a customer service perspective.
Sadly, I have another couple days before I have to pull the trigger on another DAW to start a new project. Love DP, not a fan of Logic but it's looking more like I don't have a choice.
Hi it's me again.
Hi all,
A fellow user has posted the following workaround, which MOTU recommended for UAD plug-ins on the MOTUnation forum. It also worked for the VE Pro 6 plug-ins here on our systems!
Workaround fix for VE Pro 6 plug-ins in DP 9.51 on macOS High Sierra:1.) Run the latest Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 (OS X) installer from Restart the computer.
2.) Open the Applications folder and drag the Digital Performer application to the trash. If you have multiple versions of DP, be sure to drag all versions to the trash.
3.) Hold the Option Key while clicking on the Finder's "GO" drop-down menu, select Library, then open the Preferences folder. Find the com.motu.MotuAudioSystem folder and drag it to the trash. Empty the trash.
4.) Download the DP 9.51 installer available at and run the installer.
5.) Find the VST folder (System HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/) and rename the folder to anything other than “VST” (for example, “VST_temp”).Your Audio Unit and MAS VE Pro 6 plug-ins will now be available in Digital Performer 9.51. Please be aware though, that your VST plug-ins will of course NOT be available after renaming the VST folder!
I hope that helps until MOTU and our developers can find a real solution!
Best, Marnix
Also, to a few someones out there, telling people not to upgrade is basically telling them to 1) accept security flaws that could put their identity/finances/computers at risk and 2) accept that developers don't have to care about getting upgrades correct. Shame on you.
EDIT: I can confirm after some testing that you can have DP load VST's through this method, though it takes FOREVER. Therefore you do NOT need to change the VST folder name, of you can change it back to normal if you go through the above steps, then select which VST's you wish to load through preferences. This will add a Audio Plugin Prefs file, which you'll need to keep so that all the plugins you desire will load after deleting the cache's. I suggest, however, not loading the VEP VST, because that's probably the issue, but since this is a Mac only problem just use the AU. The other methods described on other forums don't work unless I'm doing it wrong. It's a bad solution, but a solution nonetheless.
Sooooo. It's now March 6th 2018 and this thread is dead. I bought a laptop in Dec which came with High Sierra, DP 9.51 has been fine with all other plug-ins (waves, NI, PSP) (although 9.51 on my 12 core Tower running 2 OS's behind has issues where it chokes if you save while playing and that hasn't been updated for 12-14 weeks either - yes I know, it's not a show stopper). I took my VEP dongle home to work, VEP launches fine but now I can't use my in progress DP session on Macbook pro off site unless I use this temp. Fix. Why all of the silence on this? I'm guessing Motu is the issue? Any word from Vienna here? It's been months and VE is one of the few that actually take the extra step to make a MAS plugin so I find it puzzling that it's still broken! Any info would be appreciated.
EDIT: I can confirm after some testing that you can have DP load VST's through this method, though it takes FOREVER. Therefore you do NOT need to change the VST folder name, of you can change it back to normal if you go through the above steps, then select which VST's you wish to load through preferences. This will add a Audio Plugin Prefs file, which you'll need to keep so that all the plugins you desire will load after deleting the cache's. I suggest, however, not loading the VEP VST, because that's probably the issue, but since this is a Mac only problem just use the AU. The other methods described on other forums don't work unless I'm doing it wrong. It's a bad solution, but a solution nonetheless.
This solution does not work if you need to use Event Input.
I deeply appreciate VSL's long explanation of the situation.
If you need to use Metric Halo's MIO Console software, do NOT update to 10.13.4:
To All MIO Users:
The latest update to macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) appears to introduce a bug that is not allowing MIO Console to launch properly.
The driver will still stream audio, but you will not be able to use MIO Console to make configuration changes.
For that reason we recommend that for the time being you DO NOT UPDATE to macOS 10.13.4. You should be fine up to version 10.13.3.
We will post again when we have more information.
Best regards,
Jon Stern