Hi folks,
I'm new to VEP and I'm hoping that perhaps someone can tell me a way to make this manageable. I can see how I can use the midi CC channels to manually write automation to synth parameters in VEP. There are two major issues that I am seeing that I'm hoping to resolve:
1. I see no way to logically name the automation lane in Cubase. For example CC 0 in cubase is titled "All CC - CC 0 (BankSel MSB)" even though I'm simply automating Serum's Filter Cutoff. This is going to be quite unweildy indeed when I am trying to automate several parameters for several synths. I'm really hoping that there is perhaps some better way of doing this?
2. I seem to not be able to use "write automation" within Cubase (turning on the red "W" button" and then adjust in a know on the synth manually as the song is playing). The synth within VEP is able to read and respond to the automation lane but it doesn't seem to be able to send the midi info to the automation lane to write automation. I'm really hoping this may be some newbie user error on my part, and I have not done anything special to make the midi track that I am sending automation from to be able to receive midi info from VEP.
I really hope I can get these two issues resolved, as I'm really happy with VEP so far! Thanks for any help!