Konzerthaus Organ; Mac Pro, OSX 10.8.5, 10GB ram.
In some of my organ pieces there are very long notes...often 4 or 5 measures. In Konzerthaus Organ, ON MIDDLE C ONLY, the followung 8 foot stops do not sound for more than 9 seconds:
Gemshorn 8, Dulciana 8, Hohlfloete 8, Flute harmonique 8, Flauto traverso 8, Clarabella 8, Rohrflute 8, Still Gedackt 8, Wiener floete 8, Quintatoen 8, Echo gamba 8, Aeoline 8, and Clarinophon 8, Solo gamba 8, and Tuba mirabilis 8.
On the above stops, all notes except middle C loop indefinitely as would be expected.
Note that there are several 8 foot stops not affected by this issue.
I have not recently installed or changed anything on this computer.
Thanks in advance for any help.