I guess that challenge was a little obnoxious but whatever. Here are some of my melodic excerpts though not necessarily my "best" - that is hard to judge. I will definitely listen to these other postings - they look interesting...
You have a real talent for melody William. I enjoyed every minute of this YouTube! You had an awesome idea for a thread. Why people are not willing to cut you a little slack (is that still an expression? it used to be) I do not know.
I followed your allusion to the old schoolyard dares of our childhood when the dare was always accompanied by taunts and accusations of "chicken" if one did not take up the dare and "prove himself." Have things really changed so much since our days of youth? I find myself sad about this situation. Your challenge/dare gave me a laugh and reminded me of those days long ago. Then I read how people were responding, and I couldn't understand how they were not seeing the humor and playfulness.
But thank you for posting some really awesome music.