Fabulous! I think your compostion skill is improving. This piece is clearly more emotional and affective than any of your previous things I have heard. You do not depart from the traditional forms and harmonies, yet this work seems more refined and polished. I'm looking forward to hearing the rest.
Here is the final movement to the violin concerto:
I still have a lot of work to do on the slow 2nd movement so I jumped to the final movement and finished it.
VSL Special Eds 1 and 2
Also thanks Max and Paul for your comments on the first movement... I appreciate them!
when I saw your post I got excited and clicked on the link right away, and am listening to it now. This is indicative of how much I was looking forward to the other movements,...
The composition is outstanding as usual. I have to listen to it more to make more detailed comments but on first hearing it is so well balanced and mature tonally, orchestrally and formally.
I however think that the rendering of this movement is not as good as the other one. I keep earning for a good orchestra to perform this work. Could you get someone to program this for you? I think it could be improved. Again to be clear this is just the rendering, the piece is outstanding.
(Oh man ... at the end of this peice YT started auto playing your Eb string quartet ....
so beautiful!! I seriously cant tell this from Haydn or even someone from the romantic era like Schubert. Its a pity if top tier string quartets like Emerson wont play this)Thank you for sharing your beautiful music!
Hi Anand. Thanks for your input. What I find extremely valuble is your comment concerning the rendering. I have to say, going into the publication of this movement, I felt that it was one of my best renderings. Understand that I take absolutely no offense to your critique...in fact it's appreciated that you speak your mind so honestly.... it's put there to help, not to hurt. So it's amazing that we as composers/renderers of music can be so close to a piece that we miss what others can hear or observe. I really don't want to change a thing in this movement....yet....I need to go back with the same critical ear that you/others have and try for improvement.
One of the primary things I love about this forum is the critique that continually challenges us to create the best music and renderings that we can. Thank you for giving the piece a listen... and for your input.
Hi Wayne,
With extreme pleasure I listened to your 3d movement. Here you display a more than usual knowledge of the instrument. It's indeed very risky to write such a technical piece if you're not aware of all the possibilities/difficulties and impossibilities of the violin. It demands a high degree of study, unless you're yourself a more than mediocre player. I don't know, but what you've created here is very decent and well sounding. I don't have problems with the rendering: it is transparent, balanced and gives a clear sonic image of both the orchestra and the solo player.
Well done! Congrats,
I really don't want to change a thing in this movement....yet....I need to go back with the same critical ear that you/others have and try for improvement.
Absolutely, please dont change anything in the composition. Its perfect as it is, and something far more sophisticated than what I can write.
When I listened to it again I felt that I was probably too nit picky...the rendering is not bad at all, but I am sure it could be improved to match the quality of the composition.
For example: the four opening B notes played by the violin are I believe a detache phrase? followed by the melody F* G E D* which would sound nice with legato. Currently the attack-release of the opening violin notes sound a bit unnatural. And more dynamics could be added.
If I have time tonight I'll try rendering the opening violin notes and send you. I am no expert but just wanted to try for fun.
Hi Wayne
Just tried sequencing your main violin melody with SoloStrings and Sibelius.
Audio: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fwwxcbqqzdwo07m/PeppercornTheme.wav?dl=0
It probably doesnt sound that different but you may notice the use of detache and legato alternately. You are probably doing that already. I realized you are using Special Editions so it may not sound the same, but maybe this helps somewhat. Once again I am no VSL expert.
Anywas, it was fun doing this and hope you didnt mind...
Here is the final movement that completes the concerto:
Thanks for all the prior comments, support and input on this piece. This was a stretch for me as a composer. I think I researched enough to believe that all movements are "playable".. .I'm not real sure about the tempo in the last movement as it relates to the theme changing from arco to pizz and back again so quickly (especially since double stops are involved). I need to run that by a couple of my wife's friends who are violinists in one our local symphonies.. .just haven't had the opportunity yet.
Merry Christmas/Happy Haunkkah/Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to all!
Hi Wayne,
What a marvelous composition. My favorite movement is the third, but all of it is excellent. I do not write in the classical style, I prefer the late-romantic, but I can only hope to create in that style as effectively as you create in the classical style. Your music is actually quite remarkable. Congratulations!
Hi Wayne,
I can't but agree with Paul. This is so good and delightful, so delicate and expressive. Everyone knows how hard it is to draw beautiful lines with long string patches. What you've achieved here is truly masterful!
My deepest respect for your musical genious, your knowledge of the instruments/samples and the skill to write in classical style with such an ease.
Cobgratulations, Wayne!
P Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on