Hi - I have been searching the manuals and this Forum for help with a problem I am having, but the easy answer is hard to find!~
I created several custom presets (Beat Kaufmann basic presets for solo strings) in VI Pro Standalone 2.4.14074. When I did that, I named the preset but did not specify a folder name (because I haven't found the instructions on how to name the folder or where to put it), and the presets show up in the Preset list of VI Pro Standalone. All good, so far!
In VE Pro 6.0.16502, when I call up an instance of VI Pro, I can't see my custom presets!
When I go into the VSL Custom Data folder, I see my presets, e.g. "Solo Cello Basic Preset.vipreset".
So, my question is why can't I see or get to these presets in a VI Pro instance within VE Pro?
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!