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  • [SOLVED] VEP freezing

    I am getting VEP6 with Cubase 9 freezing on a single machine.

    I have reset the Windows Catalog, as well as removed preference files from VEP but it (vep6) is always not responding and I have to close the program with it crashing in Windows 10.

    I have also removed Cubase 9 preference files.

    Windows 10 is updated as of KB4041676

    I am using the latest updates for both applications.

    In addition, configurations for plugins in VEP have been lost in a project file and I must re-instance instruments in multimbral plugins as well as rescanning instrument libraries.

    Cubase closes with serious error.

    I open VEP6 first, then Cubase, and see the information coming into VEP but if I click on it (vep) the program stops responding.

    I have rescanned plugins several times in both programs.

    VEP plays for a few seconds then stops responding.

    I am wondering how long until the next update or is the problem with my host, i.e. Cubase?

    I have updated to the latest eLc as of October 10.

    The reason I ask for an update or fix is because now I have to use Cubase on it's own.

  • Hi emotive, 

    That sounds like a corrupted Cubase file to me. Does it happen with all songs ? Also new songs?

    You can send crash reports of VE PRO directly to us:

    Find the crash dump of VE PRO here: 

    C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\VSL\Vienna Ensemble Pro\crashdumps\app

    This folder is a hidden system folder, make sure that you see it: Organize => Folder and Search Options => "View" Tab.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul,

    The project file was the problem.

    Best regards

  • OMG I'm having the same issue and JUST finished building a new rewire template with more nasty routing, MIDI transforming, and other weird crap than anyone should ever have to do in their life. I have to start over. Either that or jump off a skyscraper and pray it will feel better than what I'm about to do.


    If I ever get cancer, it will be due to stress caused by music software. Though... never by VSL's of course... the only bloody freaking stupid lousy amazing company to ever code anything right.

    Thanks Paul! lol


    P.S. I want my tombstone to read "Cubase killed him". Here goes a new template. DANG IT!!!!!