1) It would be nice to have seperate Informations about the Synchon-Strings-Project in general and what exactly is meant to be Sy-Str I.
2) Violins + Cellos
Acccrding to the last moment of the promovideo SyStrI seem to be only "Violins and Cellos"
As far they are recorded "in situ" this must mean Violins 1 and Violins 2
....... but does it likewise mean also Cellos 1 and 2 ?
3) Articulations
I always was very happy to have a good variety of diffferent "short articulations the announced Sample content now lists 4 types of large notes but only one type of short notes.
....Does the "short notes" of the Synchron Strings include spiccato, staccatos detaches etc?
While there are different types of sforzandos and Larger notes for instance with and without vibrato listed, how is it with the Synchron Legato.
....Is there only one kind of Legato recorded at all, or is iit it applyable on the different types of the sustains and sforzandos to get legatophrases with marcato accents and diferent amount of legato?
4) Sordino
There are no "sordino" articulations announced as they have been part of the orchestral strings.
... Would a full set of sordino articulation will make seperate libraries as it was with Solo, Chamber and dimension strings, or would it be in any way chose/applyable on the already listed articulations of Sx-Str.I?
5) section size
Former VSL-Libraries have been notably characterized with their specific section size (or 'sizeability' 😉 in the case of the dimension strings).
.. in which section sizes are the Sy-Str. I recorded? Are other Sectionsizes or/and Synchron Solo-Libraries intended?
6) Harmonics, Sul tasto, sul pont col legno, etc.
... will there be seperate Synchron-Libraries to come with Harmonics, Sul ponticello and sul tasto patches or perhaps be part of a sordino set? (However it would be great to have more compehensive Articulationtypes for Sul pont, sul Tasto and harmonics than we have had beffore and also the combinations of sul tasto + Sul pont + Harmonics with sordino and legatos)
7) Again the question for Superpackage-Users Early bird offer:
Why should I order the early bird offer, as Superpackage user, if the reduction as part of the Superpackage will be at least likewise 30 % ??? (You should think about to reward faithful "Superpackers" with additional reductions in the early bird days otherwise I can not see any reason why I should preorder anything, which will stay for me always at the same price)
However I am very excited to hear more datails about the Synchron-Player and its features....