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  • Thanks for your input, JGH!

    As a matter of fact, open-air locations are on our wish-list since Day One: Classical Greek theatres, open air arenas for opera, medevial city squares, even forests have been looked for and discussed already. 

    The main reason we didn't capture any of them up to now is simple: It's more or less undoable. 8-/ ... Unlike all other convolution-based products on the market, MIR relies on thousands (!) of impulse responses from a selected Venue. During these day-(or rather night)-long recordings two problems would arise out there in the open: Many, many sources of noise are everywhere, and each of them can render any of these 60 seconds of IR recordings unusable (wind, birds, planes, passing cars or people ... you name them). OTOH, listening for 24 hours or more to sine sweeps in concert volume (85 dB in a free-field measurement!) is hard for _us_ --- but it's intolerable for any creature in the neighbourhood, be it a human or an animal.

    Regarding your suggestion to record MIR Venues in a "castle": What do you have in mind?

    Thanks again for sharing your ideas!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Regarding to a VSL-competitor from France "Schloss Kremsegg" should be a nice place for that. As an alternative I suggest the Salzburger Dom! I was there this August (Salzburger Festspiele) and enjoyed a concert with Orchestra, choir and Solists. The concert was Mozart's Requiem. Great sound there!

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    @Dietz said:

    Many, many sources of noise are everywhere, and each of them can render any of these 60 seconds of IR recordings unusable (wind, birds, planes, passing cars or people ... you name them). OTOH, listening for 24 hours or more to sine sweeps in concert volume (85 dB in a free-field measurement!) is hard for _us_ --- but it's intolerable for any creature in the neighbourhood, be it a human or an animal.

    Point taken! Let's hope that they find ways to make this more environmentally friendly anytime soon.

    As for possible locations: Something like Schloss Kremsegg or Schloss Hof (as far as I know they do concerts as well as balls) would fit late Renaissance and Baroque instruments. The great hall of a "Burg" type castle would be interesting for soundtracks though there's none in Lower Austria that exactly leaps into my mind.

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    @LAJ said:

    Regarding to a VSL-competitor from France "Schloss Kremsegg" should be a nice place for that.
    As an alternative I suggest the Salzburger Dom! I was there this August (Salzburger Festspiele) and enjoyed a concert with Orchestra, choir and Solists. The concert was Mozart's Requiem. Great sound there!

    No doubt about that - but given the fact that there are three churches of variable sizes available for MIR Pro right now (each of them an acoustic gem in its own right), plus the great marble foyer of Vienna Konzerthaus, I think we have no shortage of potentially "mystic" spaces. 😊

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @JGH said:

    As for possible locations: Something like Schloss Kremsegg or Schloss Hof (as far as I know they do concerts as well as balls) would fit late Renaissance and Baroque instruments. The great hall of a "Burg" type castle would be interesting for soundtracks though there's none in Lower Austria that exactly leaps into my mind.

    We had a schedule already to record the "Haydnsaal" in the Esterházy Palace of Eisenstadt, but they cancelled the gig at the last minute back then, without actually explaining why. Quite unpleasing experience ... 😕

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    Regarding your suggestion to record MIR Venues in a "castle": What do you have in mind?

    Didn't Bach perform many of his works, like the Brandenburg Concertos, at Kothen Castle in Kothen, Germany?  Since I don't own any MIR products maybe it's not my place to make a suggestion but that would be my choice.  At least maybe a convolution verb for Vienna Suite.

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    @JGH said:

    We had a schedule already to record the "Haydnsaal" in the Esterházy Palace of Eisenstadt, but they cancelled the gig at the last minute back then, without actually explaining why. Quite unpleasing experience ... 😕 Egal. Zweittermin😉 Schickt jemanden, der mit VSL nicht in Verbindung gebracht wird. Buchungsgrund Private Feier. Über die merkwürdigen Geräusche (Sinustöne) können die sich ja dann im Nachhinein den Kopf zerbrechen 😉

  • I agree with LAJ of course ;-)

    I've also just come across Lockenhaus which seems to hold quite a couple of interesting venues, some of them already used for concertos. Of course the sweeps in the middle of the night might frighten some guests at the hotel, but maybe it's possible to use clicks if there isn't too much noise around?

  • A quite Austro-centric conversation ... ;-D

    No, pops or clicks etc. won't do. They don't allow for the kind (and quality) of IRs we gather for their use with MIR, sorry to say so.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    Regarding your suggestion to record MIR Venues in a "castle": What do you have in mind?

    Didn't Bach perform many of his works, like the Brandenburg Concertos, at Kothen Castle in Kothen, Germany?  Since I don't own any MIR products maybe it's not my place to make a suggestion but that would be my choice.  At least maybe a convolution verb for Vienna Suite.

    Here's what the castle looks like on the inside with performers:

    Not sure if they sweetened the sound at all but it sounds nice in there😊

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    @Dietz said:

    A quite Austro-centric conversation ... ;-D

    So much of the greatest classical music has been created by German composers, but they loved to live in Wien. So, the sound of German music may be, indeed, Austrian! 


  • What about a place like that? :)

    It's really close to my city, so I did some IR measurements there, it's about 8 secs reverb, the problem is to excite the whole space..! But most of all, if you go there in a season where there's no dripping (like the end of summer) and they turn off lights and air shafts, there's absolutely no light or sound coming from the outside, so as the cave is absolutely silence..