Not the first Thread is "confusing" the change of an "era" itself rises sensible and very complex questions.
In short: a new era is a new era. Synchron-Series is obviously meant for use without MIR.
What make things difficult is the simple fact, that especially faithful longtime-users have already invested a lot in very good Vienna Samplelibraries. Up to now all new libraries have been compatible with earlier. To use already existing good VSL-Libraries the improvments of the Synchron-Series makes that difficult.
there seem to be at least the intention to bridge the gap between Siltent-stage Libraies which need MIR and Synchronstage-Libraries not compatible with MIR: A Synchron-stage-Venue for Mir might allow to give silentstage-Libraries a similar acoustic. That would keep existing libraries still the option to be enriching additions of the new sets.
However the Synchronstage Project is as ambitious as courageous from the VSL-Point of view it might bring new quallity based on the long expierence of the VSL- But it demands at the same time a lot from those used to work with the existing VSL-Libraries over years. Not only considerable investments in a large and completly new Samplesett, presmuable substantial changes if not the necessity of completly new Templates in VE and our Daws, and presumably more or less substantial upgrades of the hardware at least to run the whole Synchronstage-Libraries.
This in mind I personally would have expected perhaps a bit more consideration of longtime powerusers than 15% price reduction with introduction or bundleprices.
However if you want to drive german cars you have to pay them, it is not that much different with viennese Orchestrasamples. Till now they are simply the best and I still expect they will be in future.