I became aware of this very serious situation about a year ago. I have invested a great deal of time and money purchasing and learning to use VSL products. I 'own' nearly all the libraries, so my financial investment is substantial. (I started buying VSL libraries years ago when they were even more expensive). SO, after reading posts in this thread and others, I decided to try to insure my elicencer key. I have been trying since December to find an insurance company that can figure out a) what an e-licenser is, b) why such an inexpensive item (the key) needs to be insured, c) why my software licenses must be re-purchased in the case of loss or theft (what are the chances othat someone would know that what looks like a flash drive would be valuable). d) why VSL has adopted an arcane system and policy that no other software company uses and that puts the customer in harms way e) how they are supposed to insure information. ?????? VSL customer service has given me names of a few insurance companies to try to contact, but because I live in North America (Canada) there are roadblocks that can't be overcome (according to my insurance broker). I will add that I am not a newcomer with little experience. I have been using music software since rudimentary programs such as Professional Composer and others first came out. I currently use Digital Performer, Finale, etc. since they first came out in the 1980s. I have seen so many strategies to combat software piracy by various companies over the years. Nothing even comes close to the - in my opinion deeply flawed - VSL strategy. I am totally stuck. They only way to protect my investment that I know of is to find an insurance company that will give me some peace of mind in this regard. But I haven't been successful. If someone HAS been successful in finding a way to insure a 'key', please share your information. Again, I am in Canada and need to find a solution that will work for Canadians. Finally, I echo the thoughts of others in this thread in pleading with VSL to fix this seriously unfortunate situation for its customers. Paul Read
I'm I big fan of VSL and own a lot of their products. That said, I always feel a bit apprehensive about buying new VSL products since becoming aware of this issue. VSL has the worst licensing policy of any software company I have ever dealt with. I've guarded my keys with my life, but if anything did ever happen to them and I had to deal with this policy, I think I'd feel a bit insulted as a long term VSL customer, especially considering the significant financial investment required to buy the library over the years. I understand that piracy needs to be prevented, but the VSL license policy just seems to be punishing the hard working, honest musos that pay for their tools.
I also invested al lot of my few Money in VSL-Products and really like them. I have 2 Computers, one at Home, the other at our Studio. I bought two Licenses of Cubase and Halion because I often forgot my Dongle and was afraid of damaging it by often plugin it in and out. But I won't buy two Licenses of all that VSL Stuff. Other Companys have much better Solutions against Piracy which allow you use their Software on 2 or even 3 Computers and switch the Licenses onlini or via Software!!. "VSL has the worst licensing policy of any software company I have ever dealt with" - Yes thats true and thats because I decidet to buy no more VSL-Products. And I know I'm not the only one... And it makes my sad.... )-:
I have seen so many strategies to combat software piracy by various companies over the years. Nothing even comes close to the - in my opinion deeply flawed - VSL strategy.
But if it's "flawed" that would imply that elicenser has been cracked right? In other words, pirates have broken the codes and are selling them all over the Internet. AFAIK this is not the case. So to me that would be A flawLESS strategy. Now it may cost VSL some customers but it must be only a negligible amount because they are still using the same system.
As far as Insurance is concerned here's my experience:
I too had a hard time finding anybody who would insure the licenses on a little piece of plastic. The problem is they have a hard time trying to determine the risk involved when insuring software licenses contained on a USB dongle. Where is this dongle stored? In a locked box? Is the humidity high there? Will a power surge have any affect on key? etc.
Every company I went to wanted to know the same thing: Are you a professional musician who needs these software products in order to maintain your livelihood? Or are you just a hobbyist?
Oddly enough it was my homeowner's insurance who finally gave me a limited policy. They already gave me small business insurance to cover the gear in my studio so basically the software was just deemed part of my studio gear so I just increased the value of my gear. If the key leaves my studio, I'm screwed. If somebody broke into my studio and stole just the key, leaving the $3,000 system its attached to, I'm screwed. If the key is beyond the warranty period offered by VSL, I'm screwed. Otherwise it's covered.
If you are a hobbyist, you will have a harder time with insurance.
Yes, all those questions you list are exactly the problem.. And I have to agree. My choice of the word, "flawed" was not the best. I have never heard of someone using pirated VSL licenses. But I will say that while this policy protects VSL, it doesn't protect the customer effectively. I am not a "hobbyist", but I think you are probably right that an insurance company might let the VSL customer's way of making a living factor into their decision as to whether or not to insure the VSL ke. But if that WAS the case, in my view, said insurance company would be dead wrong in refusing coverage. My home owner's insurance was the first place I tried. I was refused. I have wondered if my broker didn't represent my case as well as she might. She doesn't seeem to really 'get' the concept of insuraing licenses, Way too abstract for the uninformed to grasp. But she did try multiple companies and I did put her in touch with VSL support. No luck. As a career composer/arranger/performer/educator, now mostly RETIRED, I should not be treated any differently than any other VSL library owner. I should not be seen as less or more of a risk by insurance companies. I don't suspect I am. But why should a hobbyist be seen as needing or deserving less protection than the active professional? I know you were just speculating that a hobbyist would have a harder time getting insurance than me or you, but I am steadfast in defending the amateur (not in the literal sense) against any discrimination of this sort. The only other 'dongle' I own is an iLok that is used to protect Altiverb 7 software. I actually don't know their policy re replacement, but it matters much less to me. My VSL investment is SUBSTANTIAL and I want the peace of mind that insuring would provide. I'm still stuck. And no one in this thread has mentioned a specific insurance company to approach...yet. I'm still hopeful I will hear from other VSLers' about their having found an insurer I could try.
why should a hobbyist be seen as needing or deserving less protection than the active professional? I know you were just speculating that a hobbyist would have a harder time getting insurance than me or you, but I am steadfast in defending the amateur (not in the literal sense) against any discrimination of this sort.
.Actually, that wasn't speculation. I was told that a "hobbyist," and that was the word they used, wouldn't take as much care of the key as a professional whose livelihood depended on the licenses the key contained. Now you may think that's a bunch of crap and I would have to agree but there was a time when car insurance companies in the United States used to charge more for red colored cars than any other color because they thought that anybody who wanted a red car was surely a wild risk taker, thus more of a liability. Of course today this practice is illegal.
As I said in my last post, insurance companies are just having a hard time trying to assess the risk factor involved. Anything else, cars, homes, jewelry, etc. they just plug into their computer models which do the assessing for them and come out with a premium.
To give you an idea of just how completely clueless insurance brokers are in this arena I remember a conversation I was having with one while shopping for insurance for my key years ago in which the broker told me she would have to talk to VSL to find out exactly why they warranty the key for only two years. When I told her VSL was based in Vienna, Austria she told me she would have to contact their European office. A week went by before I finally wrote her back for a resolution. She said, "I'm sorry but it would appear that nobody in our European office speaks Austrian only German😛😕😛😕"
So feeling like a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest I just gave up and asked Allstate which is my home owners insurance.
Perhaps it sounds like a joke for many insurance companies to insure software....
I struggled hard with the decision to sell my VSL Licenses to get rid of my Dongle nightmares and to buy from a more custumer friendly company. But it may be hard to find a buyer...(Because: "To find a buyer, these are the rules:
- The buyer must be found privately and the products must not be advertised in the VSL forum.
- Auction platform like eBay are not allowed. ")
If your elicenser key is under warranty you won't have to pay the 20€ per license to restore them. So yes, buying a new key every two years spares you these costs in case of dongle failure. It doesn't help you if the dongle is stolen or lost, though. In these cases you'll have to rebuy the libraries at 50% of their list price.
Good morning,
I am really hoping someone at Vienna is replying to this: I discovered by chance this thread and I'm literally horrified but, before jumping to conclusions and make decicions I want to be sure of what I read here:
Any licence for any Vienna product is ONLY existing/valid inside the usb licencer that I have (I own the whole Special Edition and VEP5). If it deteriorates (yes, this happens) or is stolen/lost, broken or whatever AM I LOOSING ALL OF MY PRODUCTS? By the way, is this legal at all?
I mean, there are objective proofs of every one one of these purchases, like regular receipts and of course, registered bank transactions.
I am understanding that even with these evidences if, let's say, a cup of coffee falls on my key on my table or it falls while I'm moving from one city to another (that happens 2 times a week) I am literally loosing the core of my library in the middle of projects deadlines?
I'm really hoping I'm wrong and I'll get an answer from someone from Vienna.
best regards,
Matteo Nahum
media composer, Valencia
ps. no one walks with 1000 buck in the wallet, guess why...
Hello Matteo,
This is the current situation with eLicenser:
Generally, the most valuable part of our products is the license which is stored on the ViennaKey or other eLicenser USB Key. With our copy protection partner eLicenser (owned by Steinberg / Yamaha), we don't have access to the licenses on the keys of our users, so we're not able to restore and/or transfer any lost or stolen license to a new key. Also, it's technically not possible to disable the licenses or the key via remote. This means that whoever steals or finds a key can use the contained license without any restrictions, if he also has access to the samples, and software, e.g., from a friend.
Users who lost the key (or whose key has been stolen) will have to purchase a new license, and of course a new key. What we can offer uninsured users to meet them halfway in this situation is a replacement license at the reduced price of 50% of the full price of the licensed product(s).
Every user is responsible for his keys and licenses himself, we're not obliged to replace any lost or stolen keys at all, like e.g. lost or stolen jewelry wouldn't be replaced unless it's insured. That's why we recommend to insure all products you licensed.In case a ViennaKey is damaged, users have to send it to our office in Vienna (American users: to the office of our distributor ILIO based in California) to enable us to take a look at the kind of the damage.
If the damage on the ViennaKey shows signs of external force, he will of course have to pay for the new ViennaKey, and a handling fee for the new licenses (EUR 20 per contained license, minimum fee EUR 30). If a ViennaKey is registered to a user account, it's a lot easier for us to find out which licenses were stored on the Key.
If the ViennaKey breaks within the warranty period (two years) without extraneous cause, the user gets a new ViennaKey and the new license free of charge if he can verify the warranty period by sending us the invoice of the purchase of the ViennaKey or other eLicenser USB Key. That's why we recommend to purchase a new key every two years and to keep the invoice at a safe place.The quickest and easiest temporary solution in a case like this is to buy a new ViennaKey or other eLicenser USB Key. After registration of the new key, we can send you a demo license which enables you to bridge at least some time (48 hours) until the order of the replacement license is processed, which usually takes 1-3 business days once we’ve received the broken key. Of course it's not a bad idea to have a spare key in your studio, to ensure that you have no downtime at all in the event of a lost or broken key.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Good morning Paul,
I appreciate the completeness and rapidity of your answer, even if I need some more clarifications and also, I would like to offer some considerations about this.
I don't understand what you mean for "buying a new licence" (sorry, my bad) for 20 euro. If I understand it correctly I would not be requested to buy the whole products (in my case VEP5 and the S Edition) that is more than a thousand euros but a 20 euros licence for every library or product I owe, am I right?
I didn't knew about an insurance for your libraries/licensers: in my case, the key, that is perfectly working is older than 2 years (2014). What is your raccomandations or plans available for any incident that actually can happen? Having a second key with a copy of the licenses? Should I buy a new key and "transfer" the licenses from the older to the newest so that I'm again in a renewed warranty period?
As you can imagine, being a media composer at the early stages of the carreer, and being at this point the SE and VEP5 literally the core of my orchestral template, I cannot run risks with it and even if I take care of my things, accidents in life happen on a regular basis. I'm sure you understand that being forced to buy again the same product (if I'm not understanding it wrongly) that is also no longer new and "fresh" let's say, other than being economically impossible would literally make no sense and, as a consequence would literally throw me away as a (happy, up to now) Vienna customer. But, of course, I may have understood it incorrectly.
By the way, owning also 2 iLoks (for altiverb, note performer and many other licenses) I cannot avoid noticing a difference in politics and manageabiliy of the licenses that is absolutely not viable for a "surviving" composer.
hope my questions are clear,
all the best,
Matteo Nahum
Hello Matteo,
Let's try to filter your questions:
1) I don't understand what you mean for "buying a new licence" (sorry, my bad) for 20 euro. If I understand it correctly I would not be requested to buy the whole products (in my case VEP5 and the S Edition) that is more than a thousand euros but a 20 euros licence for every library or product I owe, am I right?
=> If we know that the license is stored on a key that does not work anymore, we also know that we can hand out a replacement license. This replacement license is 20 EUR.
2) I didn't knew about an insurance for your libraries/licensers: in my case, the key, that is perfectly working is older than 2 years (2014). What is your raccomandations or plans available for any incident that actually can happen?
=> You should get a new key every 2 years and transfer the licenses onto this new key. This way, the hardware warranty will allow us to replace both the key and the licenses without any costs, if it fails without any signs of misuse or damage.
3) Having a second key with a copy of the licenses?
=> No. It is all about copy protection. You cannot copy licenses.
4) Should I buy a new key and "transfer" the licenses from the older to the newest so that I'm again in a renewed warranty period?
=> Yes.
You are also correct that iLok has a different system. We all hope that we can come up with a better solution with eLicenser/Steinberg, and we rely 100% on their help here.
Right now, we are working with the available possibilities.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Thanks Paul.
I'm absolutely fine in purchasing a new key even if mine is perfectly working but....
....what happens in the worst scenario where the key is lost/stolen due to traveling, moving by
car - train - plane with it, with all the connected risks?
Should I literally buy again all of my products (you already know I own it because of registration
and bank account transfer and invoice you emitted), even if at half prize (not doable, of course....)?
Hi Ben,
The last time we checked, we found 2 insurance companies in Austria, but it is a very specific request, especially if you are not insuring all other music gear in your studio.
Unfortunately it's hard to keep track of all possibilities, but an insurance broker should be able to help.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
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