I have been using the VSL house style and soundsets for a while now, but I've been having serious problems with my last project.
First of all, I started the project with the Dimension Strings (1 per section, i.e. 5 solo strings in total). I selected the corresponding Dimension Strings instruments and SoundIDs and everything was fine at first, but later I started getting mixed soundID switches, i.e. pizz. notes appearing out of nowhere, etc. I decided to try out with Special Edition+ solo strings (switched the instruments and soundIDs), and got somewhat better results, but the Solo Viola just refuses to switch articulations. Tried adding "ord." texts, etc. Is there any limitation within this soundset system that I'm hitting now? Are there any workrounds? I tried reinstalling the sound sets, relaunching the playback configuration, and restarting Sibelius and VEP multiple times but it did not work.
An interesting observation is that, there seems to be a delay of some sort in articulation switching. I.e., a pizz. marked note does not switch, but three notes later, an arco note gets played back as pizz. etc. Could there be some latency issue? Tried different buffers but did not help. The sad part is that, I was hoping to upgrade my Special Edition solo strings to the full library, but since I mostly work with notation, if this does not work for me, it probably does not make sense for me to make the upgrade.
Some details:
- Windows 10 (i7 4770k, 32GB memory)
- Sibelius 8.4.0
- VE Pro 5.4.15566
I hope someone has some ideas that could help. Thanks in advance!