Hi Paul, thank you for your hint. However, this does not solve the issue of having a longer sustained note. The tutorial seems to only concern staccato notes, with no application to legato situations.
To recap what the original poster (but also myself) would like to do: since solo strings don't have looped sustains, you can't sustain a note indefinitely. Having a note longer than a few quarters is, however, very common.
One of the suggested solutions has been to retrigger the note at the bow change. While more labour-intensive than simply holding a note, this could add to realism. I've not found detailed instructions on how to do it, but I read (it was probably your suggestion) to use the damper pedal to tie the notes.
I tried to push the damper pedal down at the end of the first note, and release it just after the beginning of the second note. The result was a progressive stacking of notes, with the typical phasing effect of identical samples playing together (you can hear it in the sound example I posted).
This happens both with the sustain and repetition legato patches.
Where am I doing it wrong?