To my fellow Reapers!
I was just tinkering about my VSL (SE) stuff template in Reaper and was "pimping" the MIDI editor. I just wanted to point out to those who might not know already that one can (1) save and restore displayed CC lanes and (2) name piano roll notes and CC lanes.
(1) In the action list of the MIDI editor search for "displayed CC lanes" and you will find (if you have the SWS/S&M extensions installed, which is highly recommended) the actions "Restore displayed CC lanes" 1-9 and "Save displayed CC lanes" 1-9. When you run one of the former actions, Reaper will save the current displayed CC lanes in the editor (and their hight) in the respective slot number. The corresponding restore action will ... tadaaa! restore the setup. Now, I mapped the restore actions to the 1, 2, 3, ... keys on the keyboard and saved configurations like:
1: CC1 ModWheel, CC2 VelXfade (breath), CC20 SlotXF
2: Velocity, CC2 VelXfade (breath), CC11 Expression
3: CC15 Reverb on/off, CC14 AlgoWet, CC31 MIRx wet
... which is extremly quick to change between different controllers!
(2) By double right-clicking a note on the piano roll, one can name the clicked note. So you can label your assigned keyswitches (this will also show the name next to MIDI events on this note, which is pretty useful, when the screen is cluttered with keyswitches). This can be assigned for every track; even every MIDI channel!
Under File->note names->..., the settings of the current track can be saved to a simple text file in the default location C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\MIDINoteNames\
Opening it allows you to make changes directly in the file and of course, the file can be loaded for every track.
Bonus cool thing:
Adding lines like "CC01 Hakuna Matata" will label the CC lanes as well! So I printed this list in all of my note name files...
CC1 Articulation (Mod Wheel)
CC2 Velocity XF (Breath)
CC14 Algo Wet
CC15 Reverb on/off
CC20 Slot XF
CC21 Start Scaler
CC22 Master Attack
CC23 Start Scaler
CC25 Delay Scaler
CC26 Tuning Scaler
CC27 Humanize
CC28 Vel. XF on/off
CC30 Dyn. Range Scaler
CC31 MIRx wet all my custom CC lane settings (see (1) are even labeled correctly! :)
Lukas :)
Reaper MIDI Editor Customization
Hi LuCsa.
Already a (2) user, I'm happy to learn that CC lanes can be named too.
I'll check it as soon as I press "post" leave the forum now.
* * * EDIT: It works. You must close the lane and reopen it to display the label * * *
VI Special Edition 1-3, Reaper, MuseScore 3, Notion 3 (collecting dust), vst flotsam and jetsam -
At which point are you stuck?
I can send you my note name file when I'm back home. :)Drive carefully. I solved and updated the scary previous post.
Thank you
VI Special Edition 1-3, Reaper, MuseScore 3, Notion 3 (collecting dust), vst flotsam and jetsam