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  • Composition for a shortfilm

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    I just composed the music for this short-film (images are from where I live in Sweden).

    Strings and woodwinds are vsl appassionata.

    Film score here..

    Greatful for comments.



  • Mycket trevlig. Bravo.

    VI Special Edition 1-3, Reaper, MuseScore 3, Notion 3 (collecting dust), vst flotsam and jetsam
  • Thanks Fabio! :)

  • Delightful music and film. 

  • Thank you Paul!

  • Hi Exister,

    With pleasure I have watched and listened to the wonderful images and beatiful sound. Your composition (dual style) is fantastic and sounds particularly good. You could have doubled in music the visible events in the footage, but that is a mistake that Sergej Prokoviev made many years ago in one of the fisrt sound films (Alexander Nevsky). Your music is a new unsiverse accompanying the images without saying twice the same. Good of you!

    Thanks for sharing,


  • Very well done Erik. Everything sounds natural and compliments the visuals splendidly. Nice transition to the Jazz style I don't think anyone saw that coming and I think it works well. If there is any justice in this world you will move on to bigger and better things.

  • Took a while to respond to this but thanks! :)

  • Very, very nice piece of music. I just did another watch and listen. The mix is extremely good. I wish I knew more about mixing. And the result fits the film extremely well. Congratulations again.

  • So beautiful and nice. ;) I've been working as a Web Designer at Petstreetmall which is an online store that sells [url=]pet supplies[/url]. I will let my co-workers look at this and I'm pretty sure that they will be happy to listen. ;)

  • Hi Erik,

    Very sensitiv and a little bit nostalgie. Like leaving the homeland and keep thinkring about it. Well done!

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on