Can someone kindly provide me with the note names for the lowest and highest pitches included in the Tutti (dual 8' manual plus additional 4' manual) Harpsichord / Cembalo library? E.G. A#-1 through D7, whatever the correct notes may be.
Much obliged!
-- P.C.
Cembalo / Harpsichord pitch range?
Can someone kindly provide me with the note names for the lowest and highest pitches included in the Tutti (dual 8' manual plus additional 4' manual) Harpsichord / Cembalo library? E.G. A#-1 through D7, whatever the correct notes may be.
Much obliged!
-- P.C.I don't own the cembalo library but you might find more detailed information in the library's user manual. If you don't own the library then request a PDF of the manual through VSL sales or support.