Proper delay compensation setup Pro Tools
Hello, I have delay compensation set to active in Pro Tools, but how I have my tracks set up introduced some questions on how I should set this up when using VEP with Pro Tools. I have 1 instance of VEP with 4 VI's inserted. I set up 4 instrument tracks, and assign midi and audio I/O through all those instrument tracks as I need to have each VI separate. I choose to use VEP this way because I have full control of each VI, can add plugins as I need for each, and I can send each instrument aux send as needed as well, not to mention control volume and automation. With delay compensation active in Pro Tools, only the first instrument track with the VEP plugin shows 256 (I have 1 buffer set in the plugin, which relieves massive CPU usage) , so that means it is compensating for only the first instrument track. The following instrument tracks show zero delay compensation. Should each instrument track associated with this VEP instance also be configured to show 256 samples as the first? I can also exclude the first track from delay compensation. What would be the proper way to configure these tracks? I'm a little confused because I think I read that VEP handles delay compensation in its own way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am no expert, but I will tell you how I adjusted. I was confused about the delay compensation as well, and dont have a definitive answer for you now, but with my old system, I played a xylophone to the metronome on a separate midi channel, and compared the midi note, the click, the recording during performance and on the way out- from playback. Which reminds me- I need to do it again, once I get things configured. With PT10, Vienna did not compensate automatically- but now it does, I believe. Big problem though- it can't compensate while you are playing- which means that I developed a 20 millisecond pre- stroke- and thats a whole additional issue.
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