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  • Expression Map for Orchestral Strings

    I'm relatively new to VSL.  I recently purchased the Violins and Violas because I was not happy with those instruments in EWSO Symphony Orchestra.  Since I used Cubase, I'm setting up expression maps for VSL with the same names as I used for EWSO.  I've found some matches but I have problems with Marcato (Marc Long).  The closest I can come is VI-14_perf-rep_leg-sl but those sounds are too long.  I've also tried VI-14_staccato_long and those notes are too long also.  Can anybody recommend a better articulation for Marcato?

  • Hello Danika!

    I have seen in our records that you registered the Orchestral Strings I standard Instrument collection amongst others. If the patch "VI-14_staccato_long" sounds too long for you, you might try the spiccato repetition "VI-14_perf-rep_spi". By the way. There's a performancae-marcato articulation included in the extended content of the Orchestral Strings I. So this one might be interesting for you as well.

    I'd also like to mention that we have already created Expression Maps for our Strings collections. You can download them here:

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • If you have VI Pro you can always load the Stac Longs and just shorten them to your desire with the time stretch feature.


    Ideally you'd want to get the full version of the library but if money is an issue the VI Pro might suffice until you can afford the extended libraries.

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    @andi said:

    Hello Danika!

    I have seen in our records that you registered the Orchestral Strings I standard Instrument collection amongst others. If the patch "VI-14_staccato_long" sounds too long for you, you might try the spiccato repetition "VI-14_perf-rep_spi". By the way. There's a performancae-marcato articulation included in the extended content of the Orchestral Strings I. So this one might be interesting for you as well.

    I'd also like to mention that we have already created Expression Maps for our Strings collections. You can download them here:

    Best regards,

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I still think the one I'm currently using sounds crisper.

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