I have set up a new template with the 6x16 Multiport Logic X session. I plan on using 6 instances all held within a VE server project. So far the first instance of VE works correctly with all the midi ports and midi channels responding correctly to the corresponding midi channels in Logic.
I have connected to the second instance via Logic and cannot get any sample playback from the second instance in VE. For some reason changing the midi ports to "All" in VE or selecting the instrument track "VE Pro Main 2" which has the inserted VE pro plugin works for sample playback. This means I can't use all 16 midi ports x 16 channels for sample play back which is what the multiport is designed to do.
Also, if this helps, if I open the midi envirment and re route VE Pro 1 ports 1-16 to VE Pro Main 2,3,4...the samples play back correctly and I can choose which ever ports I like in VE for playback. So there may be an issue with the routing in the Logic session.
How can I fix this so that all instances work correctly with the Multiport session?