Hi guys..
I use the Dimension Series 1.
I made a Midi Track with evnts on evere eightes over 2 Bars.
I let play in Cubase in a Cycle.
I Listen to it with Click.
It sounds to late for me. even but too late.
I move the events about 35ms earlier in the Timeline.
Now it sounds "in Time".
Ok, i know every Instrument has his Attack.
But a Player would it play, that it sounds in Time..of Course.
Whe have a Attack thats Default is zero. There is another Slider called Start. Its Default is 15ms.
But its not enought, cause it needs, how i sayd about 35ms to be "in Time".
-Why they are too late?
-How would be the Solution?
-Do smoebody have the same Experience?
-Or do i oversee something?
It would be nice to heare some Inputs..