IF YOU LOOSE YOUR E-LICENSER (the 1-inch piece of clear plastic) you will loose everything you ever bought from VSL.
- They do not warn you in any way about this at the page dedicated for e-licencer!
https://vsl.co.at/en/Instruments/ViennaKey (WHY NOT?)
- It does not help that you register all software, including the licenser itself
- you will NOT be able to retrieve your licenses to a new key, VSL does not let you
- if you think you buy a car and it comes with a key to drive it, you would buy a new key if you loose it.
With VSL, if you loose the key you have to buy the car again with a new key
- VSL uses wording where the key becomes the product you buy, not the car.
I hope someone from VSL will confirm this to be true. Shame on them to use such method to protect their software where the client has their investment tied up on a small piece of cheap plastic, people do loose them and you can be the next so be aware.