Hi everyone,
i would like to purchase vienna ensemble pro mainly in order to use heavy sequenced intruments i made by myself with NI Reaktor, my plans are to use a powerful PC as Ensemble PRO host, going to my main DAW on Logic OSX on my outdated and not upgradable (because of expensive protools tdm cards) mac pro.
I would like to know how Vienna handles the song position, i mean if the informations sent by Logic Audiounit (in my case) plug-in are sent directly to vienna master, i don't want to use MTC or midi clock, i would like to know if inserting the plug-in in logic involves not only the audio routing from vienna server to osx but also the song position informations from osx to vienna server.
basically i want sample accuracy, all my attempts using mtc or midiclock in the past was a complete mess, forcing me to invent my own sync methods adding a lot of extra work and slowing the workflow.
In other words i would like to know how the server syncs to the daw and if there is sample accuracy, is it sample accurate (+- a couple of samples)?? (obviously there's latency, i don't know if vienna automatically adds delay compensation to slave inserts on the daw, but this is not a problem, if the song position is perfect it's just a matter of adding a constant value, and it will not change overtime).
i will probably ask for a demo period, i don't own any vienna stuff yet but i've purchased an elicencer ages ago here and now i have some other stuff inside, i'll have to buy another elicencer too as far as i have understood as i need that on my pc and not on my mac....
Lastly i would like to know if you plan to support 10.9.x at least for the entire v6 lifespan and updates, recently apple and other big software houses already killed it after less than 3 years since release. As i can't upgrade would be a deal killer if i purchase something that i'll not be able to fully update to its latest stable and improved version.