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  • VEP6 updater not working

    Shows updates are needed, I select downlod & install. The files download then when selecting close & install  it doesn't do anything, just closes..

  • Do you have the newest elicenser-center - the latest update seems to need a newer version than the last release just a thought best

  • Yes, all latest updated software versions including elicenser.

  • Hi Carl, 

    Which OS are you working on? Do you want to post or send some screenshots (


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    I'm PC Win 10 x64 There's no point for a screen shot, after the updater runs then selecting 'Close & Install' VEP closes & that's it. Doesn't do anything more after that.

    I found the file in my temp folder so I launched & installed it as with any normal exe..

  • Hi Carl, 

    I just checked, no troubles here on any Windows computers. 

    Do you have aministration rights on your computer? I wonder what else could be in the way...


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    I can confirm the auto updater is not working for me either. I'm on Windows 7 Pro. I have the same conditions as described above, the file downloads then nothing happens.

    I have updated from the downloads page on the VSL site.

    As a side note the updater works without problems on my Mac.



    Tinpig Music

  • HI Paul,

    I've always ran VEP as administrator & no changes were made after the update.

  • update-

    After trying to install this latest update ( 6.0.15258) & closing to install I received an additional message ' make sure program is closed'

    then I re-opened VEP & got 'elicenser not found, so I re-installed eLisencer again ( Version: )
    I then opened VEP  & got 'Could not find VEPro6. not installed..'

  • Hi Carl, 

    Did you try a restart?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Yes, after re-start it loads up but I mean the eLicenser message was new this time & the problem is the same.  After the update notice & download it doesn't  VEP remains closed after selecting  'Close to install ' .

    Again I found the exe in my temp & just installed the update manually.

  • I can not update my Win 10 Pro Machine, it works on OS X


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    @Tommy Lockett said:

    I can not update my Win 10 Pro Machine, it works on OS X


    Don't forget you can always get & install the the latest updates manually by going into your account/ my downloads.

  • The updater installer still not working here with the same issues.

  • Hi, 

    We´re doing our best to reproduce this here, but it works just fine. 

    Did you check your firewall / AV programs? 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Yes, it just doesn't install after dropping it into the temp folder. It downloads then closes VEP's main window then that's it. It worked fine for the first few releases, nothing has changed on my system. Only av is Win Defender which I turn off.

  • Hi, 

    We tried on multiple Win systems, no troubles here at all... I will keep an eye on it, maybe there will be more reports.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I'm getting the same issue as Carl. Download update via VEP, it downloads, asks me if I want to close program and install, and I select 'Install'. VEP closes but nothing happens. I've run it as admin and turned off Firewall settings. I'm running Win10 Pro with all updates installed.

    The reason I want to install the update 'automatically' is because I'm hoping it resolves another issue I have where I get an MSVCR120.dll failure and crash on the slave computer when connecting to it. 

    Paul, do your Windows 10 machines have the latest updates when you try to recreate the self-install issue?

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    Hi PoliticalBonobo,

    I tried updating from various previous builds.

    You know that you can always upgrade the old-fashioned way (download and install from here).


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi, 

    Which version are both of you trying to update? Maybe I picked the wrong versions to update from?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL