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  • Missing Matrices


    I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I appear to have a few missing chord matrices, specifically for woodwinds and brass.

    For instance, in my Woodwind Matrix File list I have,

    A Woodwinds I Chords

    B Woodwinds II Chords

    C Woodwinds I+II Chords,


    F Clarinet Chords

    G Saxaphone Chords

    So, no Flutes or Oboe Chord Matrices.

    In my Brass Matrices I have Brass Chords I and I+II and Trumpet Chords, but no Horn or Trombone Chords.

    I have standard and extended libraries for both collections, the latest version of VI Pro, I've done all of the library updates along with updating my elicenser, but still no go.

    I may be missing something totally obvious here, but any help would be appreciated.



  • Hi Chris,

    do you have the Special Woodwinds collections?
    The Flutes and Oboes chord matrices need Bass flute and the Heckelphone.


  • Hello Herb, No I don't have Special Woodwinds. I suppose that would explain it. I do however have Special Brass and yet cannot find the Horns or Trombones chord matrices. Do these also require a further library to be able to access? Thanks, Chris

  • Beside Brass I & II and Special Brass the Trumpet Chords matrices also requires Trumpet Bb and Dimension Trumpets.
    The Horn Chords matrices do need the the Dimension Horns.

    Sorry not having better news. These specialised matrices are simply using the whole available VSL arsenal.

    all the best

  • Is there a list of available chord presets and their library requirement somewhere? 


  • Hi Tony, 

    I´m afraid there´s no list, but you can always ask, also via, I can take a look for you. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL