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  • Austrian VSL-Stringquartets by G.J.Werner (169-1776) and Anton Webern (1883-1945)

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    In the last weeks I worked on Stringquartets comnposer by two austrian composers:

    GegorJoseph Werner (1693-1776): 6 Fugues with slow introductions

    Joseph Haydn himself published those beautiful Fugues for Stringquartet, which are nevertheless still pretty seldom heard.

    Anton Webern (1883-1945): 5 Pieces for Stringquartet op.5

    Composed in 1909 this is one of the poweful pieces of early seconde viennese exxploring the new realm of atonal music before becoming dodecahonic.

    (I used Parts of both compositions for a comparison of six different Stringquartet-Sampleset you can listen)

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    Wow, you know how to create a realistic interpretation with the VSL solo strings! ðŸ˜Š



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    Very nice also to compare the different solo string libraries. Thank you for giving the opportunity to compare!😊

  • Amazing !

    Outstanding work.  A big round of applaus.  

    Thanks for sharing this. 




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    Thank you for taking the time to create such an eye (or ear) opening experience! I listened through all of the versions of both works and first, wold like to applaud your outstanding and very realistic renditions of each. Second, I was happy to see that I made the right decision with the VSL solo strings, because they were my preferred sounding library in each case, although surprisingly, I thought I'd enjoy the Spitfire samples more than I did. I actually enjoyed the Miroslav 2 more and was under the impression that it is an entry level library. In any event, there were aspects of all libraries that had a "plesantness" and/or "realism" but overall, with the wealth of VSL articulations and ability to manipulate them, it was my clear winner. Now, from a workflow standpoint, I still contend that it takes too long to get the desired results and that in the future, application of certain software improvements could cut this time down greatly.


    My VSL Renditions of Orchestral and Chamber Works

  • These mockups are impressive. Congratulations!

    Feels good to know that this is possible with the VSL solo strings.


  • Very, very good work indeed!!! The comparison between the different libraries is very interesting too... Thanks for sharing. Philippe

  • Very nice work. Bravo!  

    One thing I would like to hear, which I think is the absolute hardest to do with solo string libraries, would be a lyrical, singing slow movement with long sustained notes, where the vibrato must vary over the course of the notes. That is what I have found the biggest challenge.

    Anyway, congratulations again on the fine work. :-) 

    Alan Belkin

    P.S. Is there any chance of seeing the midi files for these simulations?

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    First of all I want to thank everyone here for the really as overwhelming as astonishing friendly reaction on my little stringquartet-experiments. this is indeed quite encoraging.

    Hi Alan,

    I will prepare soon another comparison of VSL-Stringquartets and traditional interpretations, and believe me at least in my ears it is not at all the question who is playing the most "real" but much more who is interpreting the most musical reasonable, and in this respect, digital interpretations are able to a purity, precision and consequence which is not that easy to provide by traditional ensembles.

    You are looking for digital Stringquatets playing adagios? So I wonder what you think about this:


    Bernhard van Dieren (1887-1936) 3. Stringquartet

    (the Intro of the first movement and of course the 2. movement - btw. it seems that the challenge of this long brilliant and ingenious quartett has been actually "a bit" to high for traditional ensembles so that I was as far as I know the very first who recorded that wonderful music.)

    2) Here you will also find my digital interpretation of

    Haydn Stringquartet Hob.III.36

    with a lovely little classical adagio cantabile. Feel free to compare it with the interpretaions of for instance:

    the Hagen Quartet

    the Los angeles Quartet

    the Tatrai Quartet

    the Juilliard Quartet

    the Doric Quartet

    the Quartuor Mosaiques

    I know it might seem a bit audacious but I still have the imression, that my little VSL-Version does not sound that bad compared with some of the traditional interpretations. I wonder what You think about...



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