Hello. I've been using VEP and Digital Performer for quite a while now, but just encountered a weird problem. Not sure where it started, or if it's a VEP or DP thing, but here goes.....
When bouncing offline in DP, if I use any output in VEP other than 1 & 2, there is a noticeable lateness in the audio when I import it in to DP. I tested with a midi drum track playing through Kontakt in VEP going out 1 & 2. When I bounce offline and re-import to DP, the timing is right on the grid. If I just change the output assignement in VEP to something else and redo this, the timing is behind the grid consistently. I've gone through every setting and option in DP and VEP trying to get around this but it's still there. Here's a screenshot of what the audio offset looks like:
The top track is using output 3 & 4 (I called it Offline Normal) and the bottom track is using 1 & 2 (from Audio)
Any ideas?
DP 9.02, VEP, Mac Pro, MAS plugin version