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  • Can't see the slave from master PT10 PC

    I'm having a terrible time connecting my master and slave in a configuration that actually worked perfectly before.

    Protools 10.3.9 Win 7
    Win 7 on master and slave

    The last version of VEP that worked for me was 5.3.13407. I tried the next update last year and the most recent one after things stoppen working, but neither see the slave at all so I rolled back to 5.3.13407.

    I recently had to reformat my slave PC and it worked great for a few days but now there is no connection to my master. It says there are no available instances and won't take as an address to create an instance, or any other address I can think of.  Same VEP version is installed on both machines and license is up to date. (Master is

    Both computers appear on the network, I use Input Director to virtually move the mouse and keyboard from computer to computer.

    I don't know if thie is relevant, but when I start VSL 32 / 64 on the slave computer I get the warning -
    Device configuration
    No MIDI devices are configured.
    Please review audio/MIDI preverences

    I've been using VEP for nearly two years and I'm crippled without it. I was using it before the reformat and it was fine. I just installed and uninstalled MacDrive, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but it worked fine in the old setup.


    ASUS Win7 Ultimate 32 master 4gig
    DELL Win7 Ultimate 64 slave 8gig
    ProtoolsHD  10.3.9  32 bit
    VEPro 5.3.13407 (last working version for my setup)

  • Hi Kurt, 

    Sounds like you are trying to start VE PRO STANDALONE instead of the VE PRO SERVER. 

    Does that help?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Cool! I was confused by that. It's working now, for the most part. They're communicating and I can hear audio and can play midi. It's loading an old project, but I'm still seeing blank fields in the "available instances" window in Protools. So I don't have choices for 32 or 64 bit connections, at the moment I just have the 64 bit connection from my old preset session. Do I need to type in addresses? Any clue what it would be? I don't want to screw up a mostly working system...

    Thanks so far. Any ideas?

    BTW, your installation videos are helpful but are very MAC-centric. I lose track of what's going on because the sytems are so different.

  • Hello Kurt, 

    Did you start both 32 and 64 bit VE PRO Servers?

    Then they should both show up as available instances. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL