With this logic, anyone who buys Orchestral Strings, would waste their money buying Appassionata Strings. For example, you have 14 violins in Orchestral vs 20 violins in Appassionata. I do think when you have a very large number of strings can make a difference sonically, and there are genres that require it. I can certainly layer the libraries, but it's not the same really.
14 to 20 is quite a big difference. After 20 it is pretty much a waste of time. Even with 20 you would have a string section of around 70 which is quite big enough. Could you point me to an orchestral recording that uses more, so that I can hear the difference you are talking about. I have played in String ensembles that have had these sorts of numbers, and the actual sound was pretty much no different to a group of 60-70 players.