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  • VE & VI Pro (release samples problem)

    In my project I use Vienna Ensemble with Vienna Instruments Pro. I use string library and I notice "click" sound after I release note. When I switch to staccato, where I have release time on maximum, after release note sample is going quiet immediately.

    I try reload samples, but this not help.

    Then I load my old preset and there was not release problem.

    And last, I save preset and load another, then I load back saved preset, and its looks like the problem is saved with preset.

    Where is the prboblem and how solve it?

  • Hi Obloha, 

    That sounds like there´s a streaming problem in your setup. 

    Please tell us a bit more about your computer(s). OS, CPU, RAM, used harddrives and how they are connected, how old is your computer... I see that you have purchased these products in March - did it work before? What changed?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    around 4 years old Notebook i5 4 threads, I am not shure if it is 4core or 2core. 8GB ram and 5400 rmp Harddisk and Win764bit, Reaper 5.

    It was working before and it working now, I have saved the VE project before this happen and I open this project and now it is working. This release sample problem was appear when I save Reaper project in to another folder, maybe. I can send VIPro preset, if it help. I have VI SE Strings vol. 1 full.

    And I think I descibe it bad. It is maybe not release sample problem but release in VIPro sample engine problem. Because I hear release samples, but they are cut by the sampler. If I hold key in Staccato samples, I can hear full sample, If I only hit key for very short time and I have set ADSR release on maximum, i hear cut sample.


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    Hello Obloha,

    There are no release samples for the staccato samples....

    Did you try to restart already? 5400 rpm is not a fast drive, we recommend 7200 rpm in our system requirements.

    The location of the DAW project shouldn´t play a role here.

    Is your harddrive an external or internal harddrive? Did you leave any headroom on your harddrive (you should leave at least 20% of the disk space free with spinning drives? Is the drive properly defragmented?

    How long do the samples play back? I assume that you only hear what is saved in RAM (the start of the note), and then never get to the part that is streamed from your harddrive... Do you have a chance to check with another harddrive?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul,

    My hardrive is internal, I know there is recomended 7200 HD but for me is working good 5400 too. I have no problem with VSL samples. 36% of free space and 17% of fragmentation.

    Only with this special issue with one project and after reload VE project is everything normal but this anomaly what i described is saved in patch I attached in my previous post, you can look on it. Maybe this will be much more then thousands words. If you try it, please look at staccato matrice (or how it is called).

    I know there are not release samples in staccato, but did you read my last section? I try it describe another way. In my staccato I set up in edit -> envelope release to 127. That means if I hit note for short time, I hear full staccato sample. Now in this "bad" project I hear full staccato sample if I hold note for example 2seconds, but if I press note for very short time, I hear it only when key is down. And when I release key, sample shut up, it is looks like release envelope dont work on this patch. Because it is on sustain, spicc, detache, pizz metrices too. Please if you something not understand, aks me. I am sorry for my english.

  • Hi Obloha, 

    Loaded your preset and followed your instructions, no troubles here, no samples but.

    You mean the Release slider in the Slot Edit Tab in VI PRO, right?

    Because there is another Release Slider in the PERFORM (which is actually an Envelope Release Scaler) that can cut the sample when you set very low values (which is not the case in your preset). 

    Maybe you can send a short song with examples to => You could use automation to illustrate what´s going on. Probably hard to say what´s going on if it only occurs in one song...


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi,

    Yes, I mean Release slider in the Slot Edit Tab in VI PRO.

    Aha! I forgot check the Envelope Release Scaler in Perform. It was on zero. That is the problem. But I can not get why it was on zero. What change this, because I dont have any midi cc attached on it.

    Thanks to mention this, it solve my problem.

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    @Paul said:

    Because there is another Release Slider in the PERFORM (which is actually an Envelope Release Scaler) that can cut the sample when you set very low values (which is not the case in your preset). 

    If you open my preset, the Release Slider in the PERFORM is not in zero?

  • Hi Obloha, 

    Just checked, you are right, it was on zero, but I changed that instantly and forgot about it. 

    Glad to hear that it works now!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL